Thunder Force V is a 2D side-scrolling shooter developed for the Sega Saturn, released in 1998. Set in a dystopian future where alien technology threatens humanity, players control a customizable spacecraft to combat waves of enemies. Featuring five distinct weapons with upgrade options, the game is noted for its vibrant graphics, engaging gameplay, and an impactful soundtrack, enhancing the overall gaming experience.
In a grim future where a once-benevolent alien technology has turned against humanity, only a ragtag group of ace pilots can save the Earth from total annihilation. Code name: Thunder Force! Witness the first 32-bit installment of the massively popular shooter series! Five spectacular weapons with multiple power-up levels let you blast through waves of metallic predators, and look good doing it. A constant barrage of innovative enemies keeps you intrigued while you struggle to stay alive. A speaker-imploding soundtrack has your foot tapping as your fingers are mashing. Unbelievable rendered cutscenes draw, no-DRAG you kicking and screaming into the action. Put simply, it's the ultimate hardcore gaming blast-o-rama!