X-Men: Children of the Atom is a one-on-one fighting game developed by Capcom for the Sega Saturn, originally released in arcades in 1994. Based on the popular X-Men comic series, it features characters and voice actors from the animated series. Set within the Fatal Attractions storyline, players can choose from various X-Men and their foes in battles against Magneto and Juggernaut.
X-Men: Children of the Atom is an arcade game developed by Capcom and launched on the CP System II arcade hardware. It made its debut in Japan in 1994 and later reached North America and Europe in 1995.
The game, inspired by the X-Men comic book series, marks Capcom's first foray into creating a fighting game featuring characters licensed from Marvel Comics. Timed with the popularity of the mid-1990s X-Men animated series, the game incorporates voice actors from the show reprising their respective roles.
Set against the backdrop of the `Fatal Attractions` storyline from the comics, the game's narrative revolves around players taking on the roles of various X-Men characters or their adversaries in a battle against the antagonist Magneto. The gameplay involves one-on-one fighting matches, where players face off against different characters in the game. The ultimate challenge comes in the form of battles against Juggernaut and Magneto.