X-Men vs. Street Fighter is a fighting game developed by Capcom, originally launched as an arcade game in 1996. This title marks Capcom's third collaboration with Marvel Comics, introducing a unique crossover featuring characters from the X-Men series versus those from the Street Fighter franchise. It innovatively combines tag team mechanics with traditional Street Fighter gameplay while building on elements from prior Capcom Marvel titles.
X-Men vs. Street Fighter is a fighting game originally released as a coin-operated arcade game in 1996. It is Capcom's third fighting game to feature Marvel Comics characters and the first game to match them against their own, with characters from Marvel's X-Men franchise being matched against the cast from the Street Fighter series.
It was the first game to blend a tag team style of combat with the Street Fighter gameplay, as well as incorporating elements from Capcom's previous Marvel-themed fighting games, X-Men: Children of the Atom and Marvel Super Heroes.