Yuukyuu Gensoukyoku Ensemble is a 1997 simulation game developed by Starlight Marry for the Sega Saturn. Set in the fictional country of Enfield, which is recovering from a devastating war, players assume the role of a protagonist working in a general store owned by a kind widow named Arisa. Following a wrongful imprisonment, players navigate challenges to repay Arisa and uncover the true criminal.
Yuukyuu Gensoukyoku is a 1997 simulation game by Starlight Marry and had several sequels on the Saturn and PlayStation
Enfield, a country revived 50 years after a tragic war. Our protagonist works in a general shop owned by a widow called Arisa, who helped him when he was lost. After Arisa has to pay a great fee to free the hero from prison for a crime he didn't commit, our hero will have two problems to solve: how will he pay back Arisa? And who's the real criminal? Maybe he'll find the answers by becoming part of the town...