This hack sorts the Lore list in alphabetical order. It is intended to complement Assassin's and uses the same implementation strategy.
Note: This patch shares 4 bytes with Alphabetical Rage 0.45. If this hack's anti-patch is used on a ROM with Alphabetical Rage applied, Alphabetical Rage will need to be re-applied to prevent game crashes.
Archive includes an .ips patch for both headered and non-headered ROMs.
Title: Alphabetical Lore
Author: SilentEnigma
Version: 1.1
Release Date: 2023-11-05
Applies to: Final Fantasy III (v1.0) (U)
Archive Contents
readme.txt = this file
LoreAZ_H.ips = patch for headered ROMs
LoreAZ_H_Anti.ips = anti-patch for headered ROMs
LoreAZ_NH.ips = patch for unheadered ROMs
LoreAZ_NH_Anti.ips = anti-patch for unheadered ROMs
ROM Addresses
C2/5564 - C2/5586, C2/FBD0 - C2/FBD3
C3/520F - C3/5213, C3/5290 - C3/5291, C3/52A0 - C3/52A1
Free Space Used
C2/669D - C2/66A3, C2/67A8 - C2/67BF (31 bytes)
C3/FA4C - C3/FA74 (41 bytes)
0. Description
1. Relevant Offsets & Disassembly
2. Credits
3. Revision History
4. Legal
This patch alphabetically sorts the Lore list in FF3us for the SNES.
It uses roughly the same implementation as "Alphabetical Rage" by Assassin.
FF3us Lore Unsorted
00 Condemned
01 Roulette
02 CleanSweep
03 Aqua Rake
04 Aero
05 Blow Fish
06 Big Guard
07 Revenge
08 Pearl Wind
09 L.5 Doom
0A L.4 Flare
0B L.3 Muddle
0C Reflect???
0D L? Pearl
0E Step Mine
0F ForceField
10 Dischord
11 Sour Mouth
12 Pep Up
13 Rippler
14 Stone
15 Quasar
16 GrandTrain
17 Exploder
FF3us Lore Sorted
04 Aero
03 Aqua Rake
06 Big Guard
05 Blow Fish
02 CleanSweep
00 Condemned
10 Dischord
17 Exploder
0F ForceField
16 GrandTrain
0B L.3 Muddle
0A L.4 Flare
09 L.5 Doom
0D L? Pearl
08 Pearl Wind
12 Pep Up
15 Quasar
0C Reflect???
07 Revenge
13 Rippler
01 Roulette
11 Sour Mouth
0E Step Mine
14 Stone
Sorting Map
New Data:
C2/67A8: 04 03 06 05 02 00 10 17
C2/67B0: 0F 16 0B 0A 09 0D 08 12 15 0C 07 13 01 11 0E 14
Field Menu
NOTE: Most of the modified subroutine C3/520F is moved to free space at C3/FA4C
to avoid a patching conflict with Novalia Spirit's "Rage Checklist"
C3/520F: A2 89 9D LDX #$9D89
C3/5212: 8E 81 21 STX $2181
C3/520F: 4C 4C FA JMP $FA4C ; new subroutine C3/FA4C
C3/5212: FF FF 21 ; need to leave C3/5214 for Rage Checklist compatibility
New Subroutine C3/FA4C:
C3/FA4C: A2 89 9D LDX #$9D89 ; moved original C3/520F
C3/FA4F: 8E 81 21 STX $2181 ; moved original C3/5212
C3/FA52: A6 00 LDX $00 ; list position
C3/FA54: 7B TDC
C3/FA55: BF A8 67 C2 LDA $C267A8,X ; sorted lore ID
C3/FA59: A8 TAY
C3/FA5B: 18 CLC ; next call depends on carry flag
C3/FA5C: 22 D0 FB C2 JSL $C2FBD0 ; new subroutine C2/FBD0
C3/FA60: 3C 29 1D BIT $1D29,X ; is this lore learned?
C3/FA63: F0 03 BEQ $FA68 ; if not, branch
C3/FA65: 98 TYA
C3/FA66: 80 02 BRA $FA6A
C3/FA68: A9 FF LDA #$FF
C3/FA6A: 8D 80 21 STA $2180
C3/FA6F: E0 18 00 CPX #$0018 ; number of lores
C3/FA72: D0 E1 BNE $FA55
C3/FA74: 60 RTS
C3/5290: A5 E5 LDA $E5 ; use list position as lore ID
C3/5290: 48 PHA ; A holds sorted lore ID
C3/5291: EA NOP
C3/52A0: A5 E5 LDA $E5 ; use list position as lore ID
C3/52A0: 68 PLA ; Recover sorted lore ID
C3/52A1: EA NOP
; New Subroutine C2/FBD0 [from Alphabetical Rage]
; Long access to subroutine C2/5217
C2/FBD0: 20 17 52 JSR $5217 ; X = A DIV 8, A = 1 SHL (A MOD 8)
Battle Menu
C2/5564: A0 17 LDY #$17 ; 24 possible Lores
C2/5566: A2 02 LDX #$02
C2/5568: 7B TDC
C2/5569: 38 SEC
C2/556A: 6A ROR
C2/556B: 90 02 BCC $556F ; have we looped a multiple of 8 times yet?
C2/556D: 6A ROR
C2/556E: CA DEX ; if 9th/17th, set Bit 7 and repeat process
C2/556F: 3C 29 1D BIT $1D29,X ; is this Lore learned?
C2/5572: F0 10 BEQ $5584 ; branch if not
C2/5574: EE 87 3A INC $3A87 ; increment number of known Lores
C2/5577: 48 PHA
C2/5578: 98 TYA ; Lore ID
C2/5579: 69 37 ADC #$37 ; convert to position relative to Esper menu
C2/557B: 99 0F 31 STA $310F,Y ; save to "list of positions of each lore"
C2/557E: 69 54 ADC #$54 ; convert to raw spell ID (Condemned=8B)
C2/5580: 99 6A 30 STA $306A,Y ; save spell ID to "list of known Lores"
C2/5583: 68 PLA
C2/5584: 88 DEY
C2/5585: 10 E3 BPL $556A ; iterate through Lores in reverse order
C2/5564: E8 INX ; lore list position counter (init to 0)
C2/5565: BF A8 67 C2 LDA $C267A8,X ; sorted lore ID
C2/5569: A8 TAY
C2/556A: DA PHX ; list position
C2/556B: 18 CLC ; next call depends on carry flag
C2/556C: 20 17 52 JSR $5217 ; X = A DIV 8, A = 1 SHL (A MOD 8)
C2/556F: 3C 29 1D BIT $1D29,X ; is this Lore learned?
C2/5572: F0 0E BEQ $5582 ; if not, branch
C2/6674: AD 87 3A LDA $3A87 ; number of known Lores
C2/6677: 69 37 ADC #$37 ; list position relative to Esper menu
C2/6679: 99 0F 31 STA $310F,Y ; "list of positions of each Lore"
C2/557C: EE 87 3A INC $3A87 ; increment number of known Lores
C2/557F: 20 9D 66 JSR $669D ; new subroutine C2/669D
C2/5582: FA PLX ; list position
C2/5583: E0 17 CPX #$17 ; number of lores - 1
C2/5585: D0 DD BNE $5564 ; iterate over all lores
New Subroutine C2/669D:
C2/669D: 98 TYA ; sorted lore ID
C2/669E: 69 8B ADC #$8B ; convert lore ID to raw spell ID
C2/66A0: 99 6A 30 STA $306A,Y ; moved original C2/5580
C2/66A3: 60 RTS
- "Alphabetical Rage" patch
- Bank C2 Disassembly (w/ Terri Senshi)
Special Thanks:
Imzogelmo, for his disassembly of bank C3
2022-08-29 : Version 1.0 released
2023-11-05 : Version 1.1 released
- Fixed incorrect Lore listing on field menu when scrolling with L/R buttons
Copyright (C) 2022, 2023 David R. Thompson (SilentEnigma).
The copyright holder ("author") permits the free use of the attributed work
referenced by this document exclusively for non-commercial purposes, provided
that the following conditions are met:
1. The author and all contributors credited in this readme document shall be
given credit for their respective contributions wherever the attributed work is
reused, redistributed, or modified.
2. This readme document shall accompany any of the files comprising the
attributed work wherever they are redistributed in unmodified form.
The work(s) and file(s) distributed with this document are provided "AS-IS",
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. The author shall not be held responsible for any damages
related to the use of work(s) and file(s) distributed with this document.
Database match: Final Fantasy III (USA)
Database: No-Intro: Super Nintendo Entertainment System (v. 20210222-050638)
File/ROM SHA-1: 4F37E4274AC3B2EA1BEDB08AA149D8FC5BB676E7
File/ROM CRC32: A27F1C7A