Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon R is a side-scrolling action game developed by Bandai for the Super Famicom, released in 1993. Players choose from five characters, with two available for cooperative play. The game consists of four levels, each divided into sub-levels, where players battle various enemies and bosses. A special attack can eliminate weaker foes and inflict heavy damage on bosses. Chibiusa Mode provides an easier experience, while a separate Battle Mode allows for competitive or training play.
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon R is a video game released for the Super Famicom by Bandai in 1993. It serves as a sequel to Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon.
Upon starting the game, the player can choose one of 5 characters (2 can be selected for co-op). The game is divided into four levels; each level being divided further into two sub-levels. The player will fight numerous enemies, mostly consisting of default Droids based on their manga incarnations. At the end of each level, a boss must be defeated to proceed.
Pressing a special button makes the character use a devastating attack that kills all lesser enemies on screen and causes significant damage to a boss character, although the use of the attack is limited. Bonus items can be picked up from the ground or found in breakable objects, usually in the form of food items that replenishes the life meter to varying degrees.
Chibiusa Mode is synonymous with an "Easy Mode". Chibiusa's sprite is too short to be hit by most attacks, and the enemies are also made easier to beat.
There is also bonus Battle Mode, which acts as a 1v1 arcade fighter for 2 players. Selecting this mode with only one player allows it to work as a training mode, with the other character remaining motionless.