Bubsy in Claws Encounters of the Furred Kind is a platform video game developed by Accolade, released for the Super Nintendo in the early 1990s. It marks the inaugural entry in the Bubsy franchise. Players control Bubsy as he attempts to protect the planet's yarnball supply from extraterrestrial foes. The game is noted for its humor and challenging gameplay, leading to a sequel, Bubsy 2, in 1994.
Bubsy in Claws Encounters of the Furred Kind, known as Bubsy for short, is a platform video game released by Accolade in the early 1990s. It is the first game in the Bubsy series of video games. The game's name is a play on words in reference to Close Encounters of the Third Kind, with the game revolving around Bubsy defending the planet's supply of yarnballs from alien invaders. The game received a sequel, Bubsy 2, in 1994.