Dragon Quest VI: Maboroshi no Daichi is a role-playing video game developed by Heartbeat and released for the Super Famicom as the sixth entry in the Dragon Quest series. It serves as the conclusion to the Zenithia trilogy. The game presents a medieval fantasy world divided into the Lower World and Upper World, with gameplay involving exploration, quests, and the use of warps to transition between realms.
Dragon Quest VI is the sixth installment in the Dragon Quest series. It is the penultimate title for the Nintendo Super Famicom as well as the last game in the Zenithia trilogy, and the first game in the series to be developed by Heartbeat, rather than Chunsoft.
Like every other Dragon Quest game, the setting in Dragon Quest VI is very medieval, complete with castles, knights, and magic. The main world is divided into the Lower World and the Upper World, each with a separate but similar map. To get from one world to the other, the party uses special warps (such as in wells) or by ascending/descending colossal stairs on the world map.