Dream Maze: Kigurumi Daibouken, also known as Yume Meikyuu: Kigurumi Daiboken, is a whimsically charming dungeon crawler for the Super Nintendo developed by Hector. The plot centers on a young protagonist who nightly immerses himself in a fantastical realm known as Enderia, with each dream pitting him against looming threats that imperil Enderia's existence. He navigates treacherous landscapes and embarks on a mission to liberate captive princesses from the clutches of the kingdom's foes. Assistance arrives later in the form of companions Harumi and Zakkari, who aid in his quest.
Yume Meikyuu: Kigurumi Daiboken (also known as Dream Maze Kigurumi Adventures) is a wacky and cute dungeon crawler published by Hector. The game tells the story of a boy who dreams of the mysterious kingdom of Enderia every night. There, he constantly lives exciting adventures and this time he is on a quest to save this world from destruction. Our hero must explore perilous towers and rescue all the kidnapped princesses from the kingdom. He is, however, not alone and friends (Harumi and Zakkari) will later help him out in his journey.