Final Fantasy III: A Complete Hack is a role-playing game developed for the Super Nintendo, recognized as the sixth entry in the Final Fantasy series. Retitled in the West due to earlier releases not reaching the market, the game features a party-based system where players traverse diverse locations, combat enemies, and enhance character skills and equipment. It employs an active time battle system to blend turn-based gameplay with real-time elements.
The sixth entry in the Final Fantasy series was dubbed Final Fantasy III in the West because three out of the five previous installments of the series had not been released there at the time. Similarly to its predecessors, this is a role-playing game where the player controls a party of characters, travelling between various locales in the world, fighting randomly appearing regular enemies and bosses, and making the characters stronger by improving their skills and getting better equipment for them. The game maintains the ATB (active time battle) system of the two previous installments in the series, spicing traditional turn-based combat engine with a real-time element.