Final Fantasy V: Final Fantasy V/5R Clean Edition Super Nintendo

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Final Fantasy V/5R Clean Editions
Readme & Changelog
June 2024, v1.952/1.9
more typos fixed from v195 to include missing "diamonds" before Blue magic; ALL MAP SPRITES REFLECT JOBS (big thanks to Cubear for this awesome new work!!!); New Krile battle sprites + better Lenna battle sprites
Hello, these hacks offer interface & gameplay adjustments in both FFV & FF5R (English) to make for a Cleaner experience.

Apply any of the "FFV Clean" patches to an *unheadered* copy of FFVJ.sfc-- the checksum & CRC data are these:

File/ROM SHA-1: E937B54FFF99838E2E853697E4F559359AA91FD6

File/ROM CRC32: C1BC267D

(Use to check these values, and use the Tush utility available here on rhdn to remove a header if needed.)

Clean Edition works with FF5R, yet it's designed at this time around Serity's English version of FF5R-– gomen nasai. Find that patch at the link below, apply it to your FF5r (original Japanese) rom first, THEN apply my included "FF5R Clean Edition" patch. (Yes, FF5R Clean requires 3 patches at this time.)



Check out the amazing new "FFV Whirlwind" by clymax and then apply this over a copy to create a Clean Edition of Whirlwind! Characters' Jobs change at each level up! It's a new tactical spin on FFV, highly recommended!


(Note that it uses a different base rom. Check it out!)

Control, Menu, Etc Improvements:

+ use Menu button to pass turn in battle

+ Dash in towns and dungeons with all jobs (Thief/Dash is faster)

+ L & R buttons page scroll Item and Magic Menus

+ Blue Magic has its own icon (Diamond)

+ Black Magic icon is darker; Float and Blind icons improved

+ Espers have Black/White/Time icons by effect type

+ Many Ability, item and enemy names now match their appearance elsewhere in the FF series

+ All Jobs and Abilities have descriptions

+ The 12 items that work with !Mix command are more obvious

+ Equipment Weight works the same as in Pixel Remaster edition (it's 2x more impactful in reducing Agility now)

+ FFV: MSU-1 chip support added for enhanced soundtracks (not included, DYOR)

1. Clean Battle Improvements:

+ Berserk doesn't merely Attack: can work with Jump, Mug, SwdSlap(FFV)/Pierce(FF5R), Dance, Aim, X-Attack(!)

+ Check works as described, showing elemental weakness

+ SwdSlap hits like a normal Attack and may stun the target; it doesn't remove Sleep, Confuse, or Control

+ Images can stack up to 3 (still 2 per cast or Ability)

2. Deep Clean Battle Improvements, the above plus...

+ Harps, Bells, Rods, Whips, Knives, Spears all do more damage

+ Axes, Katana, Hammers, even some Knives work with MagicSword

+ Spears and some other new options work with 2-Handed; 2-Handed combos with Jump for additional damage

3. Deeper Clean Battle Improvements, the above plus...

+ Learning changed to Observe (simply seeing Blue Magic in battle is enough to learn it! Character must be free of status effects and not Jumping)

+ Counter works while Berserked

+ Equipment Weight unchanged from FFV (barely any effect on Agility)
Kiss of Blessings, PowerDrink, HP Drain limit and many other glitches were properly addressed by open source patches. Please read the changelog to see them all, and for all other details.

Deep & Deeper Clean are intended to provide less restrictive versions of the game, and will continue development as forks of the main Clean project. They will become available for FF5r as soon as integration of Modoh's "Weapon Formula Tweaks" & IrohDW's "Easy Learning" into FF5r's custom code is accomplished and tested.

For a full list of the UX/UI, Item/Magic, Job System & Text adjustments, please consult the included readme file.

For hotfixes and more info, please visit:

With opensource content & utilities from:













Thanks to noisecross, everything8215, Inu, Modoh, RoSoDude, Serity, Cubear, Tzepish, Nintenja, Kandowontu, Leet Sketcher, BladePotato, Squall, Samurai Goroh, madsiur, Chicken Knife, hakumen99, Guysons, Mareel, m340857, IrohDW, J121, KainStryder, RaphielShiraha64, mantecol de mierda, Gens & ScarabEnigma for any of these: patches, tools, guides, playtesting, translation, feedback, good vibes!
Thanks to s8fp98fd5k for “FF5R”!
Thank you to RPGe team for inspiring this community and delivering an epochal work, 27 years ago!
Thanks to Squaresoft for Final Fantasy V!

Final Fantasy V/5R Clean Editions
Readme & Changelog
June 2024, v1.952/1.9
more typos fixed from v195 to include missing "diamonds" before Blue magic; ALL MAP SPRITES REFLECT JOBS (big thanks to Cubear for this awesome new work!!!); New Krile battle sprites + better Lenna battle sprites
Hello, these hacks offer interface & gameplay adjustments in both FFV & FF5R (English) to make for a Cleaner experience.

Apply any of the "FFV Clean" patches to an *unheadered* copy of FFVJ.sfc-- the checksum & CRC data are these:

File/ROM SHA-1: E937B54FFF99838E2E853697E4F559359AA91FD6

File/ROM CRC32: C1BC267D

(Use to check these values, and use the Tush utility available here on rhdn to remove a header if needed.)

Clean Edition works with FF5R, yet it's designed at this time around Serity's English version of FF5R-– gomen nasai. Find that patch at the link below, apply it to your FF5r (original Japanese) rom first, THEN apply my included "FF5R Clean Edition" patch. (Yes, FF5R Clean requires 3 patches at this time.)



Check out the amazing new "FFV Whirlwind" by clymax and then apply this over a copy to create a Clean Edition of Whirlwind! Characters' Jobs change at each level up! It's a new tactical spin on FFV, highly recommended!


(Note that it uses a different base rom. Check it out!)

Control, Menu, Etc Improvements:

+ use Menu button to pass turn in battle

+ Dash in towns and dungeons with all jobs (Thief/Dash is faster)

+ L & R buttons page scroll Item and Magic Menus

+ Blue Magic has its own icon (Diamond)

+ Black Magic icon is darker; Float and Blind icons improved

+ Espers have Black/White/Time icons by effect type

+ Many Ability, item and enemy names now match their appearance elsewhere in the FF series

+ All Jobs and Abilities have descriptions

+ The 12 items that work with !Mix command are more obvious

+ Equipment Weight works the same as in Pixel Remaster edition (it's 2x more impactful in reducing Agility now)

+ FFV: MSU-1 chip support added for enhanced soundtracks (not included, DYOR)

1. Clean Battle Improvements:

+ Berserk doesn't merely Attack: can work with Jump, Mug, SwdSlap(FFV)/Pierce(FF5R), Dance, Aim, X-Attack(!)

+ Check works as described, showing elemental weakness

+ SwdSlap hits like a normal Attack and may stun the target; it doesn't remove Sleep, Confuse, or Control

+ Images can stack up to 3 (still 2 per cast or Ability)

2. Deep Clean Battle Improvements, the above plus...

+ Harps, Bells, Rods, Whips, Knives, Spears all do more damage

+ Axes, Katana, Hammers, even some Knives work with MagicSword

+ Spears and some other new options work with 2-Handed; 2-Handed combos with Jump for additional damage

3. Deeper Clean Battle Improvements, the above plus...

+ Learning changed to Observe (simply seeing Blue Magic in battle is enough to learn it! Character must be free of status effects and not Jumping)

+ Counter works while Berserked

+ Equipment Weight unchanged from FFV (barely any effect on Agility)
Kiss of Blessings, PowerDrink, HP Drain limit and many other glitches were properly addressed by open source patches. Please read the changelog to see them all, and for all other details.

Deep & Deeper Clean are intended to provide less restrictive versions of the game, and will continue development as forks of the main Clean project. They will become available for FF5r as soon as integration of Modoh's "Weapon Formula Tweaks" & IrohDW's "Easy Learning" into FF5r's custom code is accomplished and tested.

For a full list of the UX/UI, Item/Magic, Job System & Text adjustments, please consult the included readme file.

For hotfixes and more info, please visit:

With opensource content & utilities from:













Thanks to noisecross, everything8215, Inu, Modoh, RoSoDude, Serity, Cubear, Tzepish, Nintenja, Kandowontu, Leet Sketcher, BladePotato, Squall, Samurai Goroh, madsiur, Chicken Knife, hakumen99, Guysons, Mareel, m340857, IrohDW, J121, KainStryder, RaphielShiraha64, mantecol de mierda, Gens & ScarabEnigma for any of these: patches, tools, guides, playtesting, translation, feedback, good vibes!
Thanks to s8fp98fd5k for “FF5R”!
Thank you to RPGe team for inspiring this community and delivering an epochal work, 27 years ago!
Thanks to Squaresoft for Final Fantasy V!


Main patches:
* FFV Clean v1952.ips
* FFV Deep Clean v1952.ips
* FFV Deeper Clean v1952.ips
* FF5R Clean v19.ips
* FFV Whirlwind Clean v1.ips

o FFV... Thief and Ninja can equip Boomerang but it's not shown in menus
o FFV... game may require soft reset upon party death ;_;
o if a Zombified character Jumps, game will soft lock (confirmed in FFV only)
o FFV & FF5R Sort is not optimal, the top 4 or 5 item categories still get blended together
o FF5R: Ability stats in the End Sequence scroll have buggy values


_ add extra armor & weapon icons from FF5R to FFV, show them as equips, too
_ show Boomerang icon for Thief and Ninja equips
_ offer single patch to create FF5R Clean (vs 3!)

_ Fix any Known Weirdness issues possible
_ Apply any bugfixes that haven't yet been integrated & are compatible
_ More cameos in MetaphysiCollege with new FF5R tips

Deep & Deeper Clean
All the Clean changes plus
_Adapt Modoh's Weapon Tweaks & IrohDW's Easy Learning to FF5r (assistance from Modoh w ASM)
_ Expand equipment options for WhiteMage, Summoner, Dancer (and others?)
_ Adjust more battle mechanics...

_ Create Clean Edition for FF5R Original (the Japanese romhack ^ↀᴥↀ^)
_ Inspire other FFV & FF5r romhacks by providing utility patches like the cosmetic stuff and the font patch

Please reach out to < [email protected] > or find me in the
FF4Ultima Discord < >
if you need help patching or have glitches or typos to report!

FFV v1.95
+ Incredible map sprites that show the Jobs (all work by Cubear)
+ New Krile battle sprites
= Fixed some typos (thanks RoSoDude, thanks BladePotato!)
+ Small script tweaks in Tule
= Config Menu debugged of color highlight glitch

FF5R v1.9
+ Incredible map sprites that show the Jobs (all work by Cubear)
+ New Krile battle sprites
= Fixed Rare Items names
= Fixed some dungeon and map names, removed last Hiryuu refs from game
+ New NPCs in MetaphysiCollege in Tule
+ Small script tweaks in Tule
= Config Menu debugged of color highlight glitch

Prior versions
FFV v1.91
Renamed "SoftHit" back to SwdSlap, bc the move actually works like SwdSlap (I missed this in last version update)

"All" restored for 2nd option in Config, Reequip menu

Fixed 2 typos in menus where the ":" was floating over the word "Equip" so it looked like "Eq:ip"-- it looks like "Equip:" now.

FFV v1.9
SwdSlap works (thanks to forensic work by RoSoDude, who figured out which parts of Inu's patches weren't cooperating w existing Clean Edition patches, and created workarounds)! Enjoy Samurai as the developers (presumably) intended! And don't forget that it jives with Berserk!

Bugfixed dialog/speech-- the "ie" went missing last update when I mistakenly changed the font~plaintext crosswalk file.

Passive Abilities list their stat boosts in their descriptions now. Many Equip Abilities may surprise you.

Added 3 custom recolors to Faris's Jobs (MNK is darker, WHM is hoodless, DRG is dark green not candy red), plus a vanilla restore patch.

FFV v1.88

SwdSlap removed because downstream issues existed, most notably the opening fights against the 1 HP Golbins became unwinnable... those enemies mysteriously set Stun every time they hit, which is an unintended side-effect glitch of the sequence of patches used.
Until this is properly debugged, SwdSlap will remain "SoftHit", meaning it's a normal strength attack that doesn't interrupt Control, Sleep, nor Confuse-- but does not have a chance to set Paralyze status.

Icon improvements to Ribbon, Bag, and most status effect icons.

Removed the ABC/abc options in character naming screen.

FFV v1.87
!SwdSlap fixed via complex (to me at least ;_;) patching sequence using Inu's work, thanks to assistance from RoSoDude.
A few small script improvements, as usual.

FF5R v1.84
Entire "Clean Script" (my custom revisions) added to replace the classic RPGe dialogs, thanks to generous help from noisecross and Serity! Two custom NPC graphics (in Wind Shrine and in Carwen) added to jive with Clean Script-- done with everything8215's fantastic webapp, ofc.

New "R" Title Screen drawn by me, after a custom art design made available by KainStryder; added to the game via the amazing "FF5e TextEditor" from noisecross. (Try it yourself, it's multi-featured and will let you entirely re-translate the game & rename many things if you enjoy working with plaintext files and have the patience!)

Join us on FF5Den discord for guidance on using this Editor, or just to say hello.

FFV Versions 1.86 & 1.87
Typos addessed and script improvements continue!
FFV had some typos fixed like in the opening movie, where a line ran off the screen. >_<

The Healing Staff scene and the 'Hiryuu' healing scene atop North Mountain were both improved.
Two custom NPC graphic changes in FFV, in the Wind Shrine (Wind Sage) and in Carwen (Mayor); done w ff6tools.
( )

ICON Revision, Version 1.85:
Both FFV and FF5r received this
Icon upgrade to all 12 items that work with !Mix...

Healing items that work with !Mix now have the "potion" icon!

These 3 Mix items got their own new icon (a bag)

(The twice-used [Key] that occurs in the Rare Items list was repurposed for this [Bag]. The Castle Key and Torna Canal Key now just have the word "Key" and no icon.)

These 5 Drink items have lost their Potion icon, and gained the word "Drink". It makes more sense to highlight Mix-ables and the 5 Drinks are easier to remember, by far.


And yes, GoldNeedle and LuckMallet don't work with !Mix so they have no icons.
Hope this change helps you to enjoy !Mix as much as it helps me!

SCRIPT Version 1.84 updates:
* Full Dialog/Script revision complete in FFV Clean Editions!! Dozens of typos and ugly dialog boxes fixed!
Used noisecross's amazing FF5 Text Editor, available here:

+ Eqp.Wgt stat now reduces Agility by 1 point for every 4 points of Eqp.Wgt; this doesn't happen in Deeper Clean, it was left like FFV Vanilla (which is 1 point of Agi for every 8 points of Eqp.Wgt).
Special thanks to RoSoDude for sharing his unpublished patch that makes this change to add strategic depth to the armor choice!

+ Fixed Headers thanks to a utility provided by Kandowontu, a true mensch and ally to all romhackers.

+ Small edits to Ability/Job descriptions: !Focus, Blue Mage both more accurate now.

+ Changed NPC sprite (& name) in the Wind Shrine (Chancellor can't be there & also at Tycoon Castle)! To edit the rom like this, I used the astonishing editor at:

and you can, too ^_^ Open your rom as the FF5 RPGe option, and **Save backup copies of your work, fam!**

BUFGIX Version 1.83 updates:
* FIXED DEEP & DEEPER CLEAN, they were sadly not aligned w Weapon Tweaks in 1.82
* FIXED DEEPER CLEAN, Learning was not renamed Observe as advertised
+ addressed typos in some monster names
+ shortened all monster names possible
+ shortened Blue Magic list names in battle
- Removed cosmetic patches, will publish them separately going forward

MENU + MSU-1 Version 1.82 updates:
+ Added descriptions for ALL Jobs and Abilities!
+ FFV... Added MSU-1 support for custom soundtracks: search "zeldix FFV MSU" to learn how to utilize this upgrade & discover new options
+ Fixed a dialog glitch right before Lonka Ruins
+ Fixed existing typos I'd created, optimized script w noisecross's Text Editor (check the final opensource content link above to find this and use it, too!)

Version 1.81 was only a bugfix for all Clean patches-- the rom I was using was incorrect ;_; Sorry for the inconvenience!

Updates in v1.8
+ confirmed SHA-1 & CRC of rom that patches are created against:
File/ROM SHA-1: E937B54FFF99838E2E853697E4F559359AA91FD6
File/ROM CRC32: C1BC267D

+ Added Modoh's "Weapon Formula Tweaks" (Creating "FFV Deep Clean Edition")
+ Added IrohDW's "Easy Learning" (Creating "FFV Deeper Clean Edition")
+ FFV... Updated Script up until World 2 (halfway, or so)
+ Nerfed "Clean & Deep Clean Editions" so Counter no longer works with Berserk status
+ Font improvements to include new double letter tiles and better letter spacing
+ Fixed equipment error, removed Staff from Thief and Ninja in Job descriptions
+ Added J121's "Ginger Galuf" patch to all 4 Editions
+ Created Green Shirt for Faris Thief outfit plus cosmetic patch
+ FFV... created and patched in Galuf Mime outfit; use to confirm and to create your own mods, edits, and etc!

Updates in v1.73
+ FFV... updated RPGe script up through Ancient Library & Istory
+ FFV... fixed (my own) typos & edited some items and battle dialog

Updates in v1.72
+ FFV... updated RPGe script up to Karnak; removed glitchy spacing throughout
+ FFV... renamed: Rod to (Rod)Bone; Staff to (Staff)Wood; Whip to (Whip)Rope
+ FFV... improved some consumable item names (Hi-Potion, etc)
+ Fixed transparent pixels in the cosmetic Shortz n Sleeves patch

Updates in v1.7
+ *Dash is available at all times*, hold the Cancel button-- Thief Dash is faster, of course!
+ Power Drink bugfixed (IDK how I neglected this one XD, sorry)
+ new Bow weapon icon, and consistent shadows on all armor & weapon icons
+ original Scroll icon restored for the 3 Ninja Throw items with multiple targets (Flame, Water, Thunder)
+ some letter enhancements in both fonts (note "R", "v", "V", "w", "W", and some more)
+ Bartz and Lenna Field sprites bugfixed and beautified to further match their Freelancer Battle sprites
+ FFV script improved a bit, up to Worus: Faris speaks more nautically, and unapologetically; Galuf is a bit sharper, too. Boco gets a few warking credits, and Biggs and Wedge are distinct members of the Faris Pirates. Beginner's House revised slightly (go see).

(If you are using the Cleaner Font patch in your project, please note that Scroll & Diamond icons have shifted to new locations. All the new double letter tiles will show up in Battle messages, so feel free to use them in Ability, Spell and etc names!)

Updates in v1.65
+ Flail and MornStar changed to Staff weapons, to match FFVA & align better w Job equips
+ main character default name is no longer Butz in either game
+ FFV: Poisn => Poison
+ FF5r: Venom => Poison
+ Antidt => Poisna
+ Brsrk => Berserk
+ FFV: minor script fixes in early scenes
+ minor adjustments to Spell names

Updates in v1.63
+ FF5r: updates to item and ability names to align w FFV Clean Edition (as listed in v1.6 entry)
+ FF5r: !Detox => !Recover (amending a previous change)
+ FFV: script improvements up to Worus
+ adds font patch, to change the FFV RPGe font: intended for hackers to use in their own projects

Updates in v1.62
+ FFV: script improvements & fixing text that ran off the screen (unreadable)

Updates in v1.61
+ FFV: fixed 2 job names that were misspelled! Also improved a bit more dialog (up to Torna Canal)
+ slight improvements to the cosmetic patches-- some pixels were missing in Bartz & Lennas' sleeves

Updates in v1.6
+ FFV: !Dance/Waltz and !Lance BUGFIXED to correctly drain MP-- apologies for this glitch in v1.5

+ !Check now shows enemy weakness as well as HP (thanks to Inu)
+ FFV: !SwdSlap renamed !SoftHit, (bc still does not cause Stun)-- works with Berserk status though
+ Comet spell target can be chosen (credit to Inu)
+ bugfix to prevent "Kiss of Blessings" !Mix from working on certain bosses (like you've seen on YT: bravo, Inu!)

MANY name changes to to align with modern FF series:
+ FFV: Cara => Krile
+ FFV: Soft => GoldNeedl(e)
+ FFV: Revivify => HolyWater
+ FFV: Heal => Esuna
+ FFV: Safe => Prtct
+ Alert/Preemptiv(e) => FirstStrk & First Strike
+ FFV: !Pray => !Recover
+ FFV: !Capture => !Mug
+ FFV: !DragnSwd => !Lance
+ FFV: !Combine => !Mix
+ Launcher -> Artillery
+ Torrent -> Treant
+ Sol Cannon -> SoulCannon
+ StonedMask -> StoneMask
+ Rock Brain -> Strapparer
+ Bold Mani -> Dechirer
+ Barette -> Bulette
+ GajraGajri -> Galajelly
+ Merugene -> Melusine
And many more monsters, too!

+ improved "er" & "la" tiles in font
+ Bartz/Butz/Batts now wears white pants on the Field Map, like in Battle
+ Lenna also has sleeves on Field map, to match her Freelancer attire

+ FFV: many small script improvements, mainly in opening scenes

Updates in v1.51 (not publicly available)
+ FFV: fixes DualWield and 2-Handed confusion, these Abilities names were swapped ;_;
+ FFV: BuildUp => Focus
+ FFV: Elementalists => Geomancers

Changes in v1.5 - unless noted, changes apply to both games
+ bug fix patch "Galuf Gaffe "by Leet Sketcher added
+ FFV: bug fix patch "FFV Sprite Touch-ups" by Chicken Knife added
+ ** Berserk will trigger attack actions **: works w !Dance, !Jump, !Aim, etc (ASM work by Inu)
+ add support for 3 Images around a character (another fine Inu patch)
+ Giant Drink now works as expected on enemies (another fine Inu patch)
+ FF5r: added fast menu scrolling (yep, another fine Inu patch)

+ FONT IMPROVEMENT (all letters and punctuation freed of drop shadow; new combo tile "er")
+ Black magic icon changed to a black orb no outline (from grey orb w black outline)
+ Blue hat for Blue Mage Krile/Cara 🧢
+ adjust Freelancer job description slightly
+ ⚪️Size => ⚪️Mini
+ FFV: ⚪️Armor => ⚪️Safe
+ FFV: ⚫️Psych => ⚫️Aspir
+ FF5r: adjust Freelancer & Paladin description in Beginners' House
+ FF5r: edit 'Elementalists' to Geomancers in script
+ FF5r: small script typos fixed

Changes in v1.3
! BUGFIX last weapon class that was lost on Sort, KnightSwords (FF5r)

+ Applied FastROM support (thanks to Kandowontu)
+ Changed ‘Optimum’ to ‘Best’ in Equip Menu, re-equip message
+ Changed MASTER to EXPERT in Job Menu
+ Disambiguated ‘DualWield’ and ‘2-Handed’ in all occurrences
+ Fixed Weapon Descriptions in Item menu to fully agree w Ability names
+ Brawl => Barehand
+ Used new “ua” tile in several weapon & magic names

Changes in v1.2
! BUGFIX many weapon & armor classes that were lost on Sort in FF5r

+ Added support for "Better Items Menu" on FF5r after hacking in new item categories
+ Added support for "Pass Battle Turn w X Button" in FF5r
+ Added "Quick Death" to FFV & FF5r (thanks to LeetSketcher)
+ Edited Blind icon in FFV to match FF5r

Changes in v1.1
+ Added spear icon to weapon 𐃆TwnLance, removing final “Misc.” icon in items
+ Changed 🪃Full Moon to 🪃FullMoon
+ Added more patches to (attempt to) remove item handling glitches

Initial Changes, v1.0
+ L & R buttons scroll in Item Menu (Inu patch)
+ L & R buttons swap between characters in Status & Equip menus (Inu patch)
+ X button skips to next active character in battle (FFV only, also an Inu patch)
- (Skip in battle not done to respect FF5r difficulty curve)

+ Blue Magic spells now have diamond icons (🔷)
+ Mystery spell ???? now Revenge (in FFV)
+ Summon Magic spells now have category icons (⚫️⚪️🕒)

+ Boomerang icon from FFIV for 2 weapons: 🪃Full Moon, 🪃RisinSun
+ Whip icon used for: 〽Flail, 〽MornStar
+ Shuriken icon used for all throwable items (now ✦Flame, ✦Water, ✦Thunder + ✦Soot items)
+ ✦Pinwheel => ✦Fuma

+ Red Mage => RedMage
+ Dimen => Time
+ DmMgc => Time
+ ”Dimensional Magic” => “Time Magic”

Final Fantasy V (J).smc
CRC32: C1BC267D
MD5: D69B2115E17D1CF2CB3590D3F75FEBB9
SHA-1: E937B54FFF99838E2E853697E4F559359AA91FD6
SHA-256: C6858D5C02894A6CC71F4DD452C7F288B319D1952CA56FDB185B4BF5E26244A2
Time to Beat
Main Story 31h 20m
Main + Extras 36h 0m
Speedrun Avg 20h 42m
Release Date
Jun 11, 2024
4 months ago
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