Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem, known in Japan as Fire Emblem: Monshou no Nazo, is a Japanese tactical role-playing video game developed by Intelligent Systems and released by Nintendo on 21st January 1994. The game, a significant installment in the Fire Emblem series, was the inaugural title for the Super Nintendo Super Famicom and the first twenty-four-megabit cartridge for the console. The gameplay is split into two components, or "books," with Book One reenacting the original Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light and Book Two continuing the narrative using the same cast.
Fire Emblem: Monshou no Nazo (translated as Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem in Fire Emblem: Awakening) is a Japanese tactical role-playing game developed by Intelligent Systems and published by Nintendo. It is the third game in the Fire Emblem series and was released in Japan on January 21, 1994. It was the first Fire Emblem title for the Nintendo Super Famicom and the first twenty-four-megabit cartridge for the system. The game is divided into two distinct parts, or "books". Book One is a remake of the original Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light, and Book Two is a continuation of events, following the same characters.