Final Fantasy III: Frozen Terra Fix is a patch for the Super Nintendo version of Final Fantasy III, released by madsiur in October 2016. It addresses a bug where character positions were not reset upon loading a saved game, which could cause gameplay freezes during specific events. The fix ensures that object RAM is cleared at game loading, preventing these issues and enhancing overall game stability.
Objects RAM ($0867-$1068) is not initialized on game reset. This can lead to a bug where characters x and y positions ($1FD3-$1FF2) loaded from the save file can be overwritten after save file loading by the objects x and y position RAM values.
As specific consequence of this is if the player say three time no to Banon with Terra, watch the wounded returner event and reset the game after the end of event, Edgar, Sabin and Locke positions will not be reset. Loading the game and repeating the wounded soldier event will freeze the event because Edgar, Sabin and Locke are shown on the map before their position set by event to the right part of the map. The characters will block Terra's path, hence an event freeze.
To fix this, all Objects RAM is cleared at game loading.
Frozen Terra Fix
by madsiur
version 1.2
released on 10/27/2016
frozen_terra_fix_us_nh.ips: Apply to FF3us (headerless ROM)
frozen_terra_fix_us_h.ips: Apply to FF3us (headered ROM)
frozen_terra_fix_j_nh.ips: Apply to FF6j (headerless ROM)
frozen_terra_fix_j_h.ips: Apply to FF6j (headered ROM)
Bug Description
Objects RAM ($0867-$1068) is not reset on game reset. This can lead to a bug
where characters x and y positions ($1FD3-$1FF2) loaded from the save file
can be overwritten after save file loading by the objects x and y position
RAM values.
As specific example is saying three time no to Banon with Terra, watch the
wounded returner event and reset the game after the end of event. Loading the
game and repeating the wounded soldier event will freeze the event because
Edgar, Sabin and Locke appear on the map with their old position before their
position is set on the right side of the map by event. Terra will be unable
to move because of those characters blocking her way hence the event freeze.
To fix this, all Objects RAM is cleared at game loading.
Thanks to Lenophis and 13375K31C43R for bug report and
patch optimization suggestions.
File: Final Fantasy III (U) (V1.0) [!].smc
CRC32: D184D919
MD5: 4CDFC79B44CD6D532DC6631A5C762094
SHA1: 258BCBC5B7BCC25098BF598C4FF2AA6AC00FDE16
File: Final Fantasy III (U) (V1.1) [!].smc
CRC32: E71362B7
MD5: EF1DE04CA2F61E88B77FA0F101C914DA
SHA1: 8B114342C844255C59B4345A30E0A34E784680EA
File: Final Fantasy VI (J) [!].sfc
CRC32: 45EF5AC8
MD5: 97BF78E916B80F47CF35EDF502BE34DC
SHA1: 1C6A6DD90D3463F4532202199885A2C0E9A485F6
Headered and unheadered patches included
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