Hameln no Violin Hiki, a Super Nintendo platform game, draws inspiration from a manga/anime series. The protagonist is Hamel, an adventurer with a violin used as a weapon. Hamel, along with his sidekick Oboe, vanquishes monsters terrorizing the small town of Staccato. After witnessing his heroics, Flute, a young girl, joins Hamel's mission to eradicate the source of this evil.
Hameln no Violin Hiki is a platform game based on the manga/anime series of the same name. You play the role of Hamel who is an adventurer with a violin as his trusty weapon. Hamel and his mascot Oboe arrives at Staccato, a small town attacked by monsters, and drives them away with his power. Impressed, a cute little girl named Flute decides to go with Hamel in order to find and destroy the evil power behind the attacks.