Jurassic Park is an action-adventure game for the Super Nintendo, released in 1993 in North America and PAL regions, with a Japanese release in 1994. Developed by Ocean Software, it is based on the film adaptation of Michael Crichton's novel. The game features a blend of top-down and first-person perspectives, notable for its innovative use of Dolby Pro Logic surround sound technology.
Jurassic Park is an action-adventure video game for the Super NES based on the movie adaptation of the book by Michael Crichton.
It was developed by Ocean Software and released in 1993 in North America and PAL regions, and published and released by Jaleco in 1994 for Japan. Most of the game is viewed from a top-down view. When the player enters a building, the gameplay perspective shifts to a first-person view. The game is significant for combining two different perspectives and for being an early game mastered in surround sound (Dolby Pro Logic).