Jyutei Senki is a Japan-exclusive, turn-based strategy video game for the Super Nintendo system. Set in an alternate universe, the game's narrative revolves around the conflict between humans, partnered with tree warriors known as Junei, and a magic-wielding robotic race, Letum. Gameplay involves commanding the human army in a bid to defeat enemy armies or seize their headquarters within defined turn limits. In the primary human stronghold, players have the ability to recruit a finite number of new troops. Every unit possesses distinct statistics such as range, attack strength, and speed. Battle occurrences take place automatically, featuring animations on a supplementary screen. The game encompasses three mission variants: Campaign, Tutorial, and Expert. Additionally, it features a two-player competitive mode.
Jutei Senki is a turn-based strategy game, never released outside of Japan. The game takes place in an alternate universe where centuries ago humanity and their tree soldiers called Junei fight against Letum, a race of robots powered by magic.
The player commands the human army. The mission in each battle is to defeat the enemy army or take their headquarters in a limited amount of turns. In the human army's main building, the player can recruit new soldiers, but their number is limited. Each unit has its own statistics, including range, speed and attack power. Battles are carried out automatically, with animations on a separate screen.
There are three mission modes which include Campaign, Tutorial, and Expert modes and there is also a two-player versus mode.