Kamaitachi no Yoru is a sound novel developed by Chunsoft, first released for Super Famicom on November 25, 1994. The game, recognized for its innovative storytelling, follows characters Toru and his girlfriend Mari as they navigate a murder mystery during a ski trip. Directed by Kazuya Asano and Koichi Nakamura, it set the stage for the sound novel genre, influencing numerous subsequent titles.
Kamaitachi no Yoru is a sound novel developed and published by Chunsoft. The game was first released on November 25, 1994 for the Super Famicom. It was also ported to the Playstation and Gameboy Advance It became available on the Virtual Console in February, 2007 for 800 Wii Points. The story-line was written by Takemaru Abiko and production was directed by Kazuya Asano and Koichi Nakamura.
Kamaitachi no Yoru was the second sound novel developed by Chunsoft, and its popularity brought a myriad of other companies to develop similar games. The term `sound novel` was originally a registered trademark of Chunsoft, but is now regarded as a whole genre of its own.
The game revolves around Toru and his girlfriend Mari, who are suddenly drawn into a horrible murder mystery while on vacation at a skiing lodge. The first part of the games develops as a crime-solving adventure.