Kikuni Masahiko no Jantoushi Doraou is a mahjong game released for the Super Famicom. Set in a humorous environment, it showcases a diverse cast of eccentric characters and adheres to traditional Japanese mahjong rules with unique variations. Players can unleash special attacks when their cosmo meter is charged, enabling striking maneuvers. A password system is available for progress retention.
Kikuni Masahiko no Jantoushi Dora-ou is a mahjong game for the Super Famicom. It features a wide variety of strange and ridiculous characters and is largely comical in nature. It follows typical Japanese mahjong rules, although there are a few exceptions. Many characters are also capable of performing special attacks when their `cosmo` meter is full; these attacks can have many different incarnations, from simply beating the opponent unconscious for a win (surprisingly ineffective) to instantly getting a ron. The game also features a password feature which allows players to save their progress.