Kuusou Kagaku Sekai Gulliver Boy is a side-scrolling action game for the Super Nintendo. Players control Gulliver as he seeks revenge against Judo, who has disrupted peace in Europe by killing Gulliver's father. Utilizing various abilities and items, including bombs and unique combat techniques, players navigate through levels while encountering allies and formidable bosses, culminating in epic confrontations.
Spain is trying to take over Europe, and Judo, prince of Spain or something, killed Gulliver’s father. Now Gulliver’s pissed off and wants revenge. Who wouldn’t? And so you set off to kick ass with nothing but Edison’s bombs, Gulliver’s hadouken thing, and Gulliver’s gigantic hair. Misty eventually joins you, but ends up being dead weight at first :P Oh, and in the second part of the game, you get this badass mech thing for all of two or three boss battles.