Super Metroid: Lost World is a platform action-adventure game for the Super Nintendo. Set on the abandoned planet XELIA, players control bounty hunter Samus Aran, tasked by the Galactic Federation to uncover and thwart the activities of illegal hunters capturing native creatures. The game features new environments, enemies, and requires advanced skills such as wall jumping and mid-air morphing, appealing to all player levels.
The Story: At the end of the known galactic systems, lies an abandoned planet for the civilization that was there, now is extinct... Called "Lost World", this planet is still wild and nature has grown free from dominate species, pollution or whatever could modified it...
But, watch satellites have detected "Hunters" spaceships movements around the area of XELIA, it's veritable name. Some "hunters" are supposed to capture creatures to sell them. Maybe some trapped species are used to be slaves or forced to serve in galactic circus.
The high galactic federation called the famous detective Samus Aran to investigate on planet XELIA for stopping the traffic immediately!
Our heroine is brought in a new adventure full of danger : a whole new planet to explore filled with hostile and wild creatures where "hunters" are ready for all to continue their lucrative traffic!
The Hack: new planet, enemies, huge areas... Must know wall jump and mid-air morph but not a hard game... For ALL players! Have fun!
Super Metroid (Japan, USA) (En,Ja) - NOINTRO
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