Lupin Sansei: Densetsu No Hihou O Oe! is a Super Nintendo action-adventure game featuring the iconic character Arsène Lupin III. In this installment, Lupin, Jigen, and Goemon embark on a mission to rescue Fujiko, who has been kidnapped. To save her, they must locate the fabled fountain of youth, while navigating a building filled with police led by Zenigata, requiring stealth and strategy to succeed.
Lupin, Jigen, and Goemon are at their Manhattan hideout plotting their next caper, when suddenly a large masked man bursts in. The man is escorted by a woman who proceeds to tell Lupin and the others that Fujiko has been kidnapped and is being held prisoner at one of the skyscrapers downtown. In order to get her back they must find the fountain of youth. When the two leave, Lupin decides to go and rescue Fujiko himself and sets off to save her. When arrives he discovers that the building is crawling with police, all under the command of Zenigata... so Lupin must enter through the building's ventilation to find Fujiko.