Majin Tensei II: Spiral Nemesis is a tactical role-playing game developed for the Super Nintendo. Set in Tokyo in 1996, it revolves around a demonic invasion and a coup that turns the city into a stronghold for demons. Players control Naoki, leading the Partisan group in a rebellion. The narrative explores themes of parallel universes and time travel, as player decisions shape the outcome of the conflict.
Majin Tensei II: Spiral Nemesis is the second game in the Majin Tensei series.
In Tokyo, 1996, a demonic invasion and coup d'état by a mysterious man transforms the city into the "demon capital". A group of people called Partisan stages a rebellion against the new government, but before long the situation escalates. What follows is a battle between parallel universes with time travel as a key element. As Naoki, the player makes choices that will ultimately determine how the crisis is resolved, and with what results.