There are two doors in the game that are hidden, revealed only by activating the right event. One is in the clock room in the rich man's basement in South Figaro, and the other is in the Fanatics' Tower. The problem is, these two maps can go glitchy if you open the door, enter the Main Menu and then leave; you'll see a bunch of wrong tiles in the vicinity of the door. This patch corrects this behaviour. It also corrects the issue of open doors in the Fanatics' Tower not being fully opaque, meaning you can see clouds behind the openings in the doors even though the doorways lead to closed rooms. The readme lists a few other wrong tile errors on various maps.
Final Fantasy 3 (US/SNES), Final Fantasy 6 (JP/SFC), Final Fantasy 6 Advance (US,JP,EU/GBA)
Map Mishap Glitch Fix patch
FF3-MapMishap-H.ips: The fix patch for a headered SNES ROM file. Apply to fix the Map Mishap Glitch.
FF3-MapMishap-HR.ips: The reverse patch for a headered SNES ROM file. Apply to reverse all changes made by the previous patch.
FF3-MapMishap-N.ips: The fix patch for a non-headered SNES ROM file. Apply to fix the Map Mishap Glitch.
FF3-MapMishap-NR.ips: The reverse patch for a non-headered SNES ROM file. Apply to reverse all changes made by the previous patch.
FF6-MapMishap-H.ips: The fix patch for a headered SFC ROM file. Apply to fix the Map Mishap Glitch.
FF6-MapMishap-HR.ips: The reverse patch for a headered SFC ROM file. Apply to reverse all changes made by the previous patch.
FF6-MapMishap-HR-old.ips: The old reverse patch for a headered SFC ROM file. Apply to reverse all changes made by previous versions of this patch.
FF6-MapMishap-N.ips: The fix patch for a non-headered SFC ROM file. Apply to fix the Map Mishap Glitch.
FF6-MapMishap-NR.ips: The reverse patch for a non-headered SFC ROM file. Apply to reverse all changes made by the previous patch.
FF6-MapMishap-NR-old.ips: The old reverse patch for a non-headered SFC ROM file. Apply to reverse all changes made by previous versions of this patch.
FF6A-MapMishap-JU.ips: The fix patch for a US or Japanese GBA ROM file. Apply to fix the Map Mishap Glitch.
FF6A-MapMishap-JUR.ips: The reverse patch for a US or Japanese GBA ROM file. Apply to reverse all changes made by the previous patch.
FF6A-MapMishap-E.ips: The fix patch for a European GBA ROM file. Apply to fix the Map Mishap Glitch.
FF6A-MapMishap-ER.ips: The reverse patch for a European GBA ROM file. Apply to reverse all changes made by the previous patch.
readme.txt: This file.
SNES: CA/0DD3-CA/0DD6, CA/0DE5, CA/37FD-CA/383C, CA/7938-CA/793A, CA/ECF4, CA/ED02-CA/ED08, CA/ED10-CA/ED16, CC/5180-CC/5182, CC/5188-CC/5189, D1/FE35-D1/FE3D, D9/B131, DA/D01A, DA/D466, DB/2943-DB/294D, DB/2989-DB/298B, DB/2D36-DB/2D45, DB/2D5A-DB/2D67, DB/2D74-DB/2D75, DB/2D7C-DB/2D7F, DB/2D89-DB/2D8E, DB/EB30, DB/EB36-DB/EB41, DD/459A-DD/45AC, DD/45D3-DD/45DB, DD/DF56, DE/AEB2, DE/AFBA, DE/B0BD, DE/B1C3, DE/B2C8, DE/B3F0-DE/B411, DE/B47B-DE/B47D
SFC: CA/0DD3-CA/0DD6, CA/0DE5, CA/37FD-CA/383C, CA/792E-CA/7930, CA/ECEA, CA/ECF8-CA/ECFE, CA/ED06-CA/ED0C, CC/5176-CC/5178, CC/517E-CC/517F, D1/FE35-D1/FE3D, D9/B131, DA/D01A, DA/D466, DB/2943-DB/294D, DB/2989-DB/298B, DB/2D36-DB/2D45, DB/2D5A-DB/2D67, DB/2D74-DB/2D75, DB/2D7C-DB/2D7F, DB/2D89-DB/2D8E, DB/EB30, DB/EB36-DB/EB41, DD/459A-DD/45AC, DD/45D3-DD/45DB, DD/DF56, DE/AEAB, DE/AFB3, DE/B0B6, DE/B1BC, DE/B2C1, DE/B3E9-DE/B40A, DE/B474-DE/B476
GBA US/JP: 0852AEBE, 0852AFC6, 0852B0C9, 0852B1CF, 0852B2D5, 0852B3F9, 0852B400-0852B41E, 0852B489-0852B48B, 0855829F, 085586EB, 0855DBC8-0855DBD2, 0855DC0E-0855DC10, 0855DFBB-0855DFCA, 0855DFDF-0855DFEC, 0855DFF9-0855DFFA, 0855E001-0855E004, 0855E00E-0855E013, 08569DB5, 08569DBB-08569DC6, 0857F81F-0857F831, 085891DA, 08710FC5-08710FCD, 0875C71D, 087A0DD3-087A0DD6, 087A0DE5, 087A37FD-087A383C, 087A792E-087A7930, 087AECEA, 087AECF8-087AECFE, 087AED06-087AED0C, 087C5176-087C5178, 087C517E-087C517F
GBA EU: 0852AEBE, 0852AFC6, 0852B0C9, 0852B1CF, 0852B2D5, 0852B3F9, 0852B400-0852B41E, 0852B489-0852B48B, 0855829F, 085586EB, 0855DBC8-0855DBD2, 0855DC0E-0855DC10, 0855DFBB-0855DFCA, 0855DFDF-0855DFEC, 0855DFF9-0855DFFA, 0855E001-0855E004, 0855E00E-0855E013, 08569DB5, 08569DBB-08569DC6, 0857F81F-0857F831, 085891DA, 08711079-08711081, 0875C71D, 087A0DD3-087A0DD6, 087A0DE5, 087A37FD-087A383C, 087A792E-087A7930, 087AECEA, 087AECF8-087AECFE, 087AED06-087AED0C, 087C5176-087C5178, 087C517E-087C517F
SNES patches work on ROM v1.0 or v1.1.
There are two maps in the game that can go all glitchy if you're not careful. One is the clock room in the rich man's basement in South Figaro, and the other is the first set of floors of the Fanatics' Tower. These two maps have doors that are not revealed unless an event triggers; if you open these doors, then open and close the Main Menu, you'll see the tiles around the door glitch out and become wrong, not to mention the door is now closed. This patch fixes this issue in both maps.
There is also a minor graphical error in the Fanatics' Tower maps. When you open any of the doors, you can actually see the clouds moving in the background, through the open door. This patch fixes that error as well.
Also also, there is a wrong tile in Zozo's weapon shop; the wall behind the clock has a hole in it. This patch fills the hole.
Also also also, in the dragon room in Kefka's Tower, if you move to the top-right corner, you can notice two black (not dark, black) tiles in the top-right corner of the screen; this patch corrects those tiles.
Also times four, there is a hidden chest in the Returners' Hideout containing a White Cape. It can be opened from the side, but not from the front due to erroneous tile properties; this patch corrects the bad tile.
Also times five, an extremely minor graphical error occurs in a secret room on Mt. Kolts. All it entails is that you can see a small black patch behind a platform; this patch removes that black by completing the wall behind the platform.
Finally, another minor graphical error occurs in the clock room. Prior to winding the clock, the bottom half of the secret door is visible behind the china cabinet but the top half is invisible because a wall tile is placed where it should be; if the door was there, it would appear over the china cabinet. This patch removes the bottom half of the door until the clock is wound.
v1.8 (September 30, 2017): Rewrote to use no free space, fixed some wrong locations in the SFC patches, and added the GBA patches. If upgrading from a previous version, apply the reverse patch first.
v1.7 (September 28, 2017): Fixed a bug with the Returners' Hideout fix that made the requisite tile inescapable.
v1.6 (June 25, 2017): Fixed the South Figaro clock room's minor graphical error.
v1.5 (June 24, 2017): Removed an unnecessary two-byte change that conflicted with Phoenix Chest and, even if not, didn't do anything anyway.
v1.4 (March 14, 2017): Added the Returners' Hideout fix.
v1.3 (March 13, 2017): Added the Kefka's Tower fix.
v1.2 (March 12, 2017): Added the Zozo fix.
v1.1 (March 11, 2017): Added the Mt. Kolts fix.
v1.0 (February 27, 2017): Initial release.
Final Fantasy III (USA)
CRC32: E969BD77
MD5: A684517EBD29308C2E3B55D371E15245
SHA-1: 23422176191B371F01AE3A7CFE7455A2022F8EE8
SHA-256: 6F6911ED4A0E9844770035A3C39157F8C3929C321D5AFACBAFDA39C835B44374
Includes patches for headered and non-headered ROMs
Includes patches for SNES and SFC ROMs