Super Mario World: Mario Rescues the Golden Mushroom Super Nintendo

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The Golden Mushroom was stolen by Bowser! Mario must defeat him and retrieve it to return to the Mushroom Kingdom!

The lastest version of the hack (V1.1.4) fixes issues such as skippable and enterable unrevealed levels, HDMA gradients showing up during transition black screens and the music staying sped up after beating a level with the time below 100 seconds.
And cutscenes are now skippable and the final boss is now easier.

This is a choconilla hack which is 5 worlds long. The author has been working on this hack for over 2 years.

\Mario Rescues the Golden Mushroom
1.1.4 Final
Released July 24, 2019

Table of Contents:

1. History
2. Change Log
3. Version History
4. Credits


This hack originally started as a vanilla hack (with no custom palettes, sprites, music and ExGFX) and was going to be only 1 world long. It had the name "Super School World" (this version was never released) because the W1 levels were made on a school computer.

After finishing all of the W1 levels, I added custom palettes, some ExGFX, custom music (all of them were from VLDC7 and VLDC8) and custom sprites (only Hammer Bros. and a custom boss at the time). I also replaced the game's font with a custom font by WhiteYoshiEgg. The hack's name was then changed to "Quest on Mushroom Island".

Demo 1 initally had a custom Iggy boss because of the Minimalist Course Clear patch being incompatible with the vanilla boss fights at the time. However, once reaching Iggy, the player is stuck there because that Iggy boss cannot be damaged with jumps or fireballs. It was then replaced with imamelia's Giant Goomba boss, which is now removed from the sprites section.

While working on Demo 2, I ported everthing to a new ROM due to PIXI and it now has the SA-1 patch applied. The song selection was entirely redone. The palettes were also changed because the old ones were too saturated. I also changed the name to "Mario Rescues the Golden Mushroom" because the name in Demo 1 was similar to the name of an SMW hack called "Quest on Full Moon Island" by Storm Kyleis.

I've also created a Discord server for this hack on late January 2018.

From Demo 2 onwards, you can only play as Mario.

Demo 2 never left the beta testing phase, and Demo 3 was released at the summer 2018 C3, and it had a lot of bugs. An update (Demo 3.1) was submitted to SMW Central's hacks section on August 4 and was accepted on August 8.

I worked on the hack almost everyday after the release of Demo 3.1.

The full version was first released on September 25 as a beta version, and the current version is V1.1.3, released on March 22, 2019.

2 days later, I decided to make some redesigns in some levels, because Diddy64wii posted a negative review on the hack's page and the hack was rejected by Noivern.

Finally, on mid February, I decided to make the hack shorter, removing some of the levels that weren't redesigned from the hack. I also made new OW maps.


1.1.4 Final (July 24, 2019)

* "2016-2019 Green Jerry" is now "Green Jerry 2016-2019" in the title screen.
* New golden mushroom sprite.
* Fixed sped up music after beating any level with the goal tape when the time is below 100.
* Removed most unused messages (blue and black switch palaces, messages with just numbers).
* Changed switch palace messages to the original SMW messages.
* Fixed a cutoff in 1-4.
* Made a jump in Morton's Castle less tight.
* 2-5 is no longer skippable. Beating 2-4 (the ghost house) now unlocks 2-5 instead of Morton's Castle.
* The world 2 map was edited to fit with the above change.
* Removed 1 Diagonal Podoboo in Morton's Castle.
* Moved the 3-2 message block to the main level and rewrote it.
* Removed the mist layer 3 in 3-2 because of the above change.
* Added stars to 3-1, 3-2, the exit level of 3-4 and the haunted part of the credits' backgrounds.
* Fixed exit enterable pipes in the end of the first room of Tryclyde's Castle.
* Fixed a pipe that takes Mario to level 4-2 instead of 4-3.
* Fixed cannons with a bad palette in the airship part of 5-5.
* Fixed a door in Bowser's Castle that takes Mario to room 5 instead of the Bowser battle.
* Added a block to the start of room 4 of Bowser's Castle because the Spinies walked to the right.
* Added a cutscene before the Bowser battle.
* New "The End" graphics, based on the "Thank You" graphics from the original SMW.
* Added buried bushes to the ground of the "The End" screen.
* Fixed HDMA gradients appearing during the transition black screen.
* 5-3 now uses the foreground palette and background from 8-1 of the rejected version (V1.0) with 8 worlds.
* Cutscenes are now advanced with the B button instead of the Up button, and can now be skipped with the Start button, to avoid accidental dropping of reserve items during them.
* Removed cement blocks from the edges of the hill with 3 Green Koopas, and removed 2 of them in World 1-1.
* Moved a slanted hill in World 1-1 (the one with a sliding shell-less Blue Koopa) 3 tiles to the right.
* Fixed the bottom right big mushroom in the overworld border.
* The "presents" logo is now in Japanese.
* You can now save after beating 5-5.
* Now after getting all 42 exits your save file shows *42 (star character), like in the original SMW.
* Added lightning in 1-5, 4-4 and the room before the ending cutscene.
* Fixed being able to skip 2-1 by pressing right on its level tile.
* Fixed being able to play unrevealed levels by pressing down while in 4-5's level tile.
* Fixed a Fire Flower stuck in the blocks in Clawgrip's Castle. It was still collectable though.
* Fixed the BG not scrolling in the autoscroll level in Clawgrip's Castle.
* Fixed being able to play 8-A while unrevealed by pressing up while in the pipe.
* Fixed being able to go down without clearing 8-A.
* Fixed 8-A showing no level name.
* Completing 3-B and 4-A makes some decoration show up to indicate that they're beaten.
* The final boss is now easier.
* Bowser's fireballs are now hammers.
* Added a "R" indicator to the reset door in the secret exit room in 2-1.
* Fixed garbage pixels in some letters (file select and save prompt).
* Changed the coins below invisible ? blocks in the first room of Bowser's Castle (but they're bright grey-blue colored in that level).
* Fixed the save prompt cursor's color.

-Changes that are exclusive to the Portuguese version:
* Fixed glitch/cutoff graphics (part of SMW's wooden border) showing up in cutscenes where the "tempo" text would be.
* Translated the custom enemies cutscene. Rgothic called me a retard in his livestream of the hack due to leaving this cutscene untranslated!
* Translated the "EXIT", "1UP", "2UP", "3UP" and "5UP" graphics.
* Fixed 3-A showing "3-A 3-B" in its level name.
* Save prompt text is now "SALVAR O JOGO" and "N?O SALVAR O JOGO".

1.1.3 Final (March 29, 2019)

* Portuguese (Brazil) version released.
* Removed the Disable Bonus Stars patch. It caused the coin counter to not show the tens digit if the number was over 9. This also allowed the x besides the coin icon to show up.
* Removed 2 Green Koopas that were placed over another Green Koopa in 3-2. This is due to my mouse sometimes pasting 2 things in 1 click.
* Changed the "?" graphic in cutscenes/message boxes.
* Fixed Clawgrip's Castle not destroying when beating it.

1.1.2 Final (March 22, 2019)

* Replaced the 2 trios of chained platforms with single ones in 1-3.
* Added a few non-exit enabled pipes in 1-3.
* Removed some enemies and invisible ? blocks in 1-4.
* Lowered one pipe's height and removed a question block and some enemies in 2-2.
* Added a reset door in 2-3.
* Added 1 on/off switch in 2-4.
* Fixed the on/off bounce graphics in 2-4.
* Removed 2 Podoboos and 1 Dry Bones in Beetle's Castle.
* Fixed time not resetting when batting the giant Buzzy Beetle in Beetle's Castle.
* Removed 2 Para-Goombas that were placed over another Para-Goomba in 3-2. This is due to my mouse sometimes pasting 2 things in 1 click.
* Fixed the exit pipe in the starman sublevel of 3-2.
* Removed the Ninjis from the secret exit sublevel of 3-2.
* Removed the key icon from 3-3's name.
* Removed the Fishing Boo and added Eeries in 3-3.
* Removed 1 Thwomp and moved a platform up in Tryclyde's Castle.
* Lowered the height of 2 pipes in 4-1.
* Added some pipes in 4-1, 5-3, 5-A.
* Added a few coin guides in 4-3 and 4-A.
* Extended the ceiling in the last screen of the first autoscroller in 5-5.
* 5-5 now shows the save prompt when beating it.
* Replaced blue switch blocks with green switch blocks in the secret exit room of 4-2 and 5-A.
* You now choose which room to go in Bowser's Castle. At the end of each room, the door now goes to the Bowser battle.
* Added a 1-Up at the start and the midway after dying to Bowser's Castle.
* Reduced the time in Bowser's Castle to 500 because of the above change.
* Added green star blocks to some levels. They only appear in x-5 levels and in one bonus room.
* Added a fire flower block and midway post at the end of each room in Bowser's Castle.
* Removed some spikes in Bowser's Castle.
* Added some yellow switch blocks above some lava pits in the red rope room in Bowser's Castle.
* Removed Lakitu (flying) from Bowser's Castle.
* Removed some Bullet Bill cannon from Bowser's Castle.
* Reset pipes and doors now have a "R" on them.

1.1.1 Final (March 19, 2019)

* Fixed the big bush's graphics.
* Reinserted title screen and course clear music.
* Changes in 3-2:
* Moved the turn blocks above the secret exit pipe up and added wooden blocks around the pipe.
* The secret exit room's pipe now can be reentered. The room also has a message block now.
* Changed the 8 to a 5 in the sentence "he went back through the 5 worlds".
* Replaced more blue switch blocks (in 3-2, 3-A) with green switch blocks.
* Mario now gets a mushroom in rooms 2, 3 and 4 of Bowser's Castle.
* Added a powerup block before the Bowser boss battle.
* Fixed the music in hopping Rex and Hammer Lotus' cutscenes and in the room after the Bowser battle.

1.1 Final (March 18, 2019)

* Removed some levels.
* The hack is now 5 worlds (41 exits) long, and now there are completely new OW maps for all worlds except world 1.
* Ported the hack to a normal ROM. No longer uses SA-1.
* The status bar now looks similar to the 1989 beta's status bar with SMA2's item box graphics.
* The presents logo now fades in.
* Redesigned the following levels: 2-3, 2-A, 4-3, 5-4, 5-B, 6-2, 6-5, 7-1 and 8-2.
* Fixed the midway point in 6-3 (now 4-5) (reported by Diddy64wii on the hack's page).
* Added 3 messages to Yoshi's House (now Information House).
* Made a small palette change in the title screen.
* Moved some Hammer Bros. in 8-3 (now 5-4).
* Fixed being able to skip Haunted Castle.
* Removed priority from the world 4 wooden blocks.
* Added midpoint bar to 5-B (now 5-A).
* Fixed gray plaftorms being completely solid in the city level.
* Fixed being able to get stuck in the tank section of 8-5 (now 5-5).
* Added 2 pipes in the smashing layer 2 section in Bowser's Castle.
* Added 200 seconds to Bowser's Castle's time limit.
* Added 100 seconds to Haunted/Swamp World Castle's time limit.
* Made a small text change in the cutscene before the Giant Buzzy Beetle boss fight.
* Made 2 small changes in the third section of Cherry World Castle.
* Changed "Lives" to "Mario" in the OW border, since there's no 2 players mode.
* Removed all Yoshi Coins.
* Removed the dotted circles from the status bar because of the above change.
* The status bar now no longer shows up in the intro level.
* Changed the cannons in 8-5 (now 5-5).
* New sprites:
* Suu by smkdan
* Hammer Lotus by Erik
* Bouncing Rex by Erik
* Added a custom ice block that melts when a fireball touches it.
* Changes in Bowser's battle room (level 57 in LM):
* Removed the red ? blocks.
* Removed the hole in the platform and made it shorter.
* Changed the turn block to an used block (to avoid waiting).
* Added the lightning effect.
* All castles including Bowser's now have midpoints.
* Added some bonus areas in some levels.
* Added a series of cutscenes explaining what each custom enemy does to Yoshi's House (now Information House).
* Replaced pits in Information House with ground.
* Removed Bullet Bill cannons from 1-4 and 2-5 (in the latter stage replaced with pipes).
* Changed the palettes in some levels to make them not look similar to other levels.
* Replaced all black and blue switch blocks with green and yellow switch blocks.
* Replaced some rooms in some castle with rooms from other castles.
* The time in the cutscenes before the boss fights now "resets" to 0 seconds. In the boss fights' rooms, it "resets" to 300 seconds (400 for Bowser).
* Fixed cluster sprites not appearing when reentering levels after getting the midpoint after dying.
* Added trees and falling leaves cluster sprite to the second room of the credits.
* Removed vertical scroll from the cherry forest goal room (level 31 in LM).
* Applied the "On/Off Layer 2 Generator Fix" patch.
* Added the lightning effect to 8-5.
* Moved the "E N D" after the credits to the right by 1 tile.
* Fixed the music looping after a P-Switch runs out.

1.0.1 Final (October 17, 2018)

* Inserted more cluster sprites: flowers, fish and sandstorm (Used as snow).
* Fixed the level ender's music.
* Made a small change on the ceiling in the tank section of 8-5.
* Fixed the exit counter color in the title screen.
* Added Amomario123w's name to the credits (I forgot to credit him, he ripped the SMB3 airship foreground and background).
* Fixed the music in the room with the display level message sprite in the intro.

1.0 Final (October 16, 2018)

* Redesigned the final boss room.
* Rewrote the text in the first screen of the ending cutscene.
* Now you unlock the secret exit in 6-2 by entering a pipe covered by turn blocks.
* Fixed the secret ghost house level (2-B) in world 2 showing "Grass World" instead of "Cherry World" in the level name.
* Changed the "a" to "an" in the sentence "...and Mario was taken to a island..." in the intro cutscene.
* Fixed the punctuation mark in the sentence "Mouser: Mario! You're here already?" before the Mouser boss fight.
* Changed "I'll give it to you." to "you can take it." in the intro cutscene.
* The "PRESS START" in the title screen now flashes quicker.
* Reserve item is no longer visible in cutscenes.
* Changed the "presents" logo to the one used in Monty Mole Island 2: Redrawn Island.

Full Version Beta Test Build 2 (September 27, 2018)

* Fixed glitched Shy Guys in 2-A, 2-3 and 2-4 (reported by Schliffed Gamer (Fullcannon) in the Discord server).
* Removed a exit enabled pipe in 2-2. It wasn't meant to be exit enabled (also reported by Schliffed Gamer (Fullcannon) in the Discord server).
* Replaced the scale platforms with falling grey platforms in 2-4 because fixing the Shy Guys made the scale platforms' graphics look glitched.
* Fixed the path in the world 5 map being open even before completing the swamp world (reported by ForthRightMC via SMW Central PM because he's grey banned).
* Fixed a small cutoff in the path between 6-1 and the pipe to world 5.
* Fixed a small cutoff above 2-A in the OW map.
* Applied the $068457 hex edit again.

Full Version Beta Test Build 1 (September 25, 2018)

* Added Worlds 5 to 8 (The hack is finally complete)
* New custom sprites:
* Fire Bro. by LX5 and Sonikku
* SMB3 Status Laser by Ersanio (used only in Bowser's Castle)
* Shuyguy (SMB2) by mikeyk
* Spike (SMB3) by mikeyk
* Pompon Flower by smkdan
* Ice Bro. by LX5, Sonikku and Telinc1
* New bosses:
* W5 boss: Mouser by Dispari Scuro
* W6 boss: Homing Thwomp by yoshicookiezeus
* W7 boss: Giant Masked Koopa by GreenHammerBro and dahnamics
* W8 boss: Bowser (Noob Boss)
* Changed red switch blocks to black switch blocks in 4-Castle.
* Moved the World 2 map to the main map to free space for the volcano world.
* Changed the BG's in the following levels: 1-5, 1-Castle, 2-2, 2-3, 2-Castle (Rooms 1 and 3 only), 3-1, 4-Castle and 5-4.
* Worlds 1-5 and 2-4 are now raining.
* Added numbered (1 to 8) signs in each map.
* Sligtly edited the pipe palettes in 1-4.
* The third room in 1-Castle is no longer dark.
* Added a screen before the intro cutscene that explains how to advance them.
* Removed the "PRESS UP" from the cutscenes.
* All bosses (except Bowser) now have custcenes before the battles.
* Restored the original "TIME" graphic in the status bar (but with some shading).
* Restored the dotted yoshi coin tile in the status bar which was present only in the first demo released back in 2016.
* Changed the graphics in part of the intro cutscene to SMAS: SMB3 graphics.
* Redrew part of the trees in the W4 map.
* Added HDMA (in outside levels excluding raining levels and the 2 water levels: 1-4 and 2-5).
* Removed the zooming circle in the title screen.
* Made a small change in 2-3's secret room.
* Actually fixed the reset pipe in 2-5.
* Removed the message block in 2-5 due to the HDMA making it show up as blank.
* Fixed the midway point post in 2-4.
* Removed the springboard behind the Big Boo in 3-1.
* Added a shortcut to World 5. 2-A now unlocks a pipe that skips to the start of W5.
* Restored the original pipe and switch palettes in all palaces except the switch in the black palace.
* Replaced some enemies in World 2 with Shy Guys.
* Replaced some enemies in World 3 with Spikes.
* Replaced some enemies in World 4 with Pompon Flowers.
* Redesigned some parts in 2-A because the Shy Guys glitched the podoboos and the skull rafts.
* Removed the "to" in "Mario asked to Bowser" in the intro.
* Changed the music in 1-2, 1-5 and 2-4.
* Added the multiple songs in main OW patch because one song won't fit a beach and cherry forest at the same time.
* Changed Tryclyde and Clawgrip's graphics to custom ones drawn by Moltz.

Demo 3.1 (August 4, 2018):

* New and longer intro cutscene.
* Removed the Hammer Bro. from the swinging platform in 1-1.
* Removed Yoshi.
* Removed some bullet cannons in 1-4.
* Removed the Podoboos from a secret room in 1-4.
* Fixed Layer 3 status bar priority glitch.
* Removed 2 Hammer Bros. from the swinging platforms in 2-1.
* Deleted a few enemies and extended one ? block platform in 2-2.
* Sligthly edited Green Switch's palette.
* Applied the $0683AB hex edit (P-switch music loop fix).
* Slighly edited switch pressed messages.
* Removed exit enabled pipe at the end of 2-2.
* Redesigned a few parts in some levels.
* Changed the music in 3-Castle and 4-Castle's second and third rooms.
* Extended the pipes and ceilings in 3-1. 3-2, 3-3 and 3-2's secret exit room, else you could fly above the levels.
* Fixed boss defeat music.
* Fixed world 2 boss spawing too many rocks once it hits a wall.
* Slightly edited a line guide path in 2-4.
* Removed the No-Yoshi intros.
* Fixed no event tiles being revealed upon beating 2-Castle.
* Changed the blue P-switch block to a silver P-switch block in Yellow Switch.

Demo 3 (July 6, 2018):

* Added Worlds 3 and 4.
* New bosses:
* W3 Boss: Tryclyde by dahnamics
* W4 Boss: Clawgrip by dahnamics
* Updated the Minimalist Course Clear to the latest version (had to port to a new ROM again).
* Added a secret exit room in 2-3 (forgot to add in Demo 2).
* Removed the layer 3 in 2-5 because that level has a message block.
* End of Demo level is now in 5-1.

Demo 2 Fourth Beta Test Build (May 6, 2018):

* Fixed the midway posts in 1-1, 1-2 and 1-5 (the right part wasn't attached to the ground).
* Replaced the Volcano Lotuses in 1-2 with Clappin' Chucks.
* Removed the 2 Pokeys at the end of 1-2.
* Moved the Chargin' Chuck at the end of 1-2.
* Added two pipes to the last pit at the end of 1-2.
* Added shading to Mario's name in the status bar.
* Changed the star graphic in the status bar.
* Removed title screen movement.
* Moved the "PRESS START" down a tile in the title screen.
* Fixed a tree tile with a bad palette in 1-2.

Demo 2 Third Beta Test Build (April 19, 2018):

* Made a small change in room 3 of 2-Castle.
* Added a Presents logo at game start.

Demo 2 Second Beta Test Build (April 15, 2018):

* Fixed a cutoff in 1-4.
* Fixed the soflock upon defeating Morton (World 1 boss).
* Filled blank space above the celling of the second room of the first castle with stone blocks.

Demo 2 First Beta Test Build (April 11, 2018):

* Changed the hack's name to "Mario Rescues the Golden Mushroom" because the old name was similar to the one used in Storm Kyleis's "Quest on Full Moon Island".
* Now uses the SA-1 patch.
* Completely redone music selection.
* Course Clear song changed to SMB1's.
* New title screen.
* New reserve box design.
* Desaturated palettes.
* Added World 2.
* New OW border.
* End of Demo level is in 3-1.
* New bosses:
* W1 boss: Giant Goomba boss by imamelia changed to Morton Koopa boss by Koops.
* W2 boss: Giant Buzzy Beetle boss by dahnamics.
* New sprites:
* Blue Parakoopa by Erik
* Yellow Parakoopa by Erik
* Layer 3 added to some levels.
* The intro level now uses 1-1's BG.
* 1-5 now uses 1-1's BG.
* Edited 1-2's background
* Redid 1-3's mushroom platforms in the BG.
* Removed the podoboo jump in the first castle. The pit no longer has lava and it has a pipe in it.
* Fixed blind jumps.
* Fixed Mario's GFX00 tiles.
* Removed 2 players game.

Demo 1 Re-release 2 (November 2, 2016):

* Removed the oval clouds in 1-3's layer 3 BG (it caused cutoff in the status bar).
* Replaced the pixelated (double-sized) golden mushroom sprite with a better sprite.

Demo 1 Re-release 1 (November 1, 2016):

* Replaced the impossible-to-defeat custom Iggy boss with imamelia's Giant Goomba boss.
* Fixed invisible blocks (actually it was the unused seaweed object acting like cement blocks) in 1-4.
* Fixed not being in swimming mode after exiting the second secret room in the same level.
* Changed the layer 3 BG into a layer 2 BG in the second room of the first castle.
* Removed the disco light in the third room of the same level because it caused slowdown in game. The room now has very dark palettes.

Demo 1 (October 31, 2016):

* Initial release.


Demo 1 (Released October 31, 2016)
Demo 1 Re-release 1 (Released November 1, 2016)
Demo 1 Re-release 2 (Released November 2, 2016)
Demo 2 First Beta Test Build (Released April 11, 2018)
Demo 2 Second Beta Test Build (Released April 15, 2018)
Demo 2 Third Beta Test Build (Released April 19, 2018)
Demo 2 Fourth Beta Test Build (Released May 6, 2018)
Demo 3 (Released July 6, 2018)
Demo 3.1 (Released August 4, 2018)
Full Version Beta Test Build 1 (Released September 25, 2018)
Full Version Beta Test Build 2 (Released September 27, 2018)
1.0 Final (Released October 16, 2018)
1.0.1 Final (Released October 17, 2018)
1.1 Final (Released March 18, 2019)
1.1.1 Final (Released March 19, 2019)
1.1.2 Final (Released March 22, 2019)
1.1.3 Final (Released March 29, 2019)
1.1.4 Final (Released July 24, 2019)



Green Jerry
Gamma V
Hayashi Neru
wiiqwertyuiop (He granted me permission to use his OW key icon long ago)
Black Sabbath
MarioFanGamer (Used only in the intro and ending cutscenes)
Buu (Used only in the intro cutscene)
Construct101 (Used only in the ending cutscene)
Spencer EX
Ridge Troopa




Gamma V
Pink Gold Peach


Vitor Vilela
Ice Man



Blind Devil


RPG Hacker
Vitor Vilela

Super Mario World (USA) - NOINTRO
CRC32: B19ED489
MD5: CDD3C8C37322978CA8669B34BC89C804
SHA-1: 6B47BB75D16514B6A476AA0C73A683A2A4C18765
SHA-256: 0838E531FE22C077528FEBE14CB3FF7C492F1F5FA8DE354192BDFF7137C27F5B
Time to Beat
Main Story 5h 0m
Main + Extras 7h 21m
Speedrun Avg 0h 18m
Release Date
Jul 24, 2019
5 years ago
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