Marvelous: Mouhitotsu no Takarajima is a game for Super Nintendo. It tells the story of a group of kids who venture to an island to find the hidden treasure of the legendary pirate, Captain Maverick. Challenge lies in the complex puzzles guard the treasure, purportedly solvable only by the cleverest of minds. Meanwhile, they must compete against a band of pirates seeking the same prize. The game later appeared as a spirit in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.
The great Captain Maverick was a pirate of legend who kept his treasure called "Marvelous" hidden that could only be found by those who were willing to solve puzzles that many deemed unsolvable. A group of children, however, will use their wits to prove them wrong when they go to the island where the treasure is said to be held. A group of pirates, however, have similar intentions.
The game was referred as a spirit in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, with the official romanization of "Marvelous: Mouhitotsu no Takarajima".