Mega Man Soccer, known in Japan as Rockman's Soccer, is a soccer video game developed for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. Released in Japan on February 17, 1994, and in North America in April 1994, the game incorporates characters from the Mega Man series. Players can engage in various modes, featuring unique special shots from characters that can stun opponents. Despite some positive feedback on its creativity, overall reception has been mixed, often criticizing the control mechanics.
Mega Man Soccer, known in Japan as Rockman's Soccer, is a soccer video game for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System/Famicom. The game is based on the original Mega Man series of action-platform games. Mega Man Soccer was first released in Japan on February 17, 1994 and in North America in April of that same year.
Mega Man Soccer is a traditional soccer game with exhibition matches, tournaments, and leagues that can be played both single-player and multiplayer depending on the mode. The game features characters and Robot Masters from previous entries in the original Mega Man series. Each character has a unique special shot that will temporarily disable anyone that comes in contact with the ball. This aspect of Mega Man Soccer was met with critical praise, but overall reception has been average, particularly due to its perceived poor play control.