Miracle Girls is a Super Nintendo game centered around junior high students, Mikage and Tomomi Matsunaga who are, unexpectedly, the 'Miracle Girls' possessing unique powers like telepathy and the ability to teleport. The story commences on a school campus when a mysterious ball of light whisks the girls and their four friends to an unfamiliar world. Strangely, their friends vanish and the girls set off on an adventure to unravel this mystery. Players can assume the role of either Mikage or Tomomi, who are armed with unusual weapons - candies.
Mikage and Tomomi Matsunaga are not exactly your ordinary junior high school students. The two girls have a well kept secret - they are the 'Miracle Girls', and they both share extraordinary powers allowing them to communicate telepathically or to vanish into thin air and teleport themselves at will. The game begins in a school campus, just as the girls and four of their friends are about to start their lunch break. Suddenly, a glowing ball of light appears and teleport them into a distant and strange world. Furthermore, her friends have now mysteriously disappeared and the two girls embark on a long journey to find out who is behind all these strange events... The player can either play as Mikage or her twin sister Tomomi, and they both come equipped with the most unusual weapon - candies.