Nangoku Shounen Papuwa-Kun is a platform game developed for the Super Nintendo. Set on a mythical southern island, the game follows a conflict over two powerful stones symbolizing desire and hope. Players navigate various stages to unravel the story involving the blue clan, linked to the stone of desire, and the red clan, representing the stone of hope, as they seek to reunite these opposing forces.
Once, on an unknown southern island, a battle was waged over two mysterious stones, one red and one blue. The blue stone controls desire, and its power created the blue clan. And the red clan that inherited the power of the red stone was filled with the light of hope. Finally, the battle came to an end, and the young one who possessed the power of the blue stone fell into a deep sleep. The one with the power of the red stone flew off far across the sky. Desire and hope... until the day these two powers meet each other again...