Final Fight 3: NTSC to PAL converter for Final Fight 3 is a patch for the Super Nintendo that converts the NTSC version of the game to a PAL/Spain format and translates select text, including menu and title screen items, into Spanish. Developed by Rod Mérida, this patch can be applied to both translated and untranslated US ROMs, ensuring compatibility with European consoles.
This patch converts Final Fight 3 from NTSC to PAL, and re-translates some texts, like those of the options menu, title screen and game over, into Spanish, producing a PAL/Spain ROM. It is, thus, an NTSC to PAL/Spain converter.
Made by Rod Mérida, from Crackowia group, this patch is intended to be applied over a ROMhacked Spanish translated US ROM of Final Fight 3, so it be compatible with European SNES consoles and the menues are not reverted to English in the process. An example of this kind of translations is the one made by Blade133bo, that has been taking as reference for the creation of this patch. Theoretically, this patch should work on whatever else Spanish translation.
In case one of these fan translations could not be got by the user, a second version of this patch, here included, turns an untranslated US ROM of Final Fight 3 from English into Spanish, by using the Blade133bo's translation, converting it to PAL in the process.
A third version of this patch translates a Final Fight 3 European ROM from English to Spanish, by using the aforementioned Blade133bo's translation.
The three patches need to be applied over an unheadered ROM.
Conversor a PAL (Eur) de Final Fight 3 NTSC (US) de SNES traducido al castellano.
Este parche ha sido elaborado a partir de la versi?n de la traducci?n de Final Fight 3 realizada por Blade133bo, pero en teor?a deber?a surtir efecto con cualquier otra traducci?n que pudiere llegar a existir en un futuro.
El parche se llama NTSC2PAL.IPS,
debe ser aplicado sobre una ROM norteamericana sin cabecera.
El resultado ser? una ROM de Final Fight 3 traducida al castellano en formato PAL, que ser? totalmente compatible con consolas europeas, evitando el bloqueo de regi?n, caracter?stico de muchos cartuchos arcade de Capcom (similar al que aparece en juegos como King of Dragons de SNES, de la misma compa??a).
Si no dispones de la ROM ya traducida, puedes utilizar este otro parche,
EN2ESPAL.IPS, para pasar la ROM de Final Fight 3 norteamericana a PAL y traducirla al castellano.
Se incluye adem?s una tercera versi?n del parche que traduce a partir de la ROM PAL en ingl?s, al castellano.
NTSC2PAL.IPS convierte el juego ya traducido de NTSC-US a PAL;
EN2ESPAL.IPS convierte el juego sin traducir de NTSC-US a PAL y lo traduce al castellano;
PALEN2SP.IPS traduce el juego PAL en ingl?s al castellano.
Para disfrutar de m?s traducciones y parches
de nuestra cosecha, visita nuestra web:
Parche conversor
realizado por
Rod M?rida.
Database match: Final Fight 3 (Europe)
Database: No-Intro: Super Nintendo Entertainment System (v. 20180813-062835)
File/ROM SHA-1: 30CC3ABB60F6037918017725139F4A3074800B64
File/ROM CRC32: AA58A166
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