Final Fantasy III: Opened Eyes Terra Fix is a fan-created patch for the Super Nintendo game Final Fantasy III. It addresses a continuity issue regarding the character Terra's eye status during a pivotal scene in Zozo. The patch introduces changes to improve Terra's visual recovery timeline, ensuring her eyes remain closed as intended until a significant event occurs. An alternate version modifies her eye status when presented with Maduin magicite, reflecting the bond between characters.
"When you first reach Terra in Zozo, she's laying in bed with her eyes open. Then during the conversation with Ramuh, she thrashes around, and the party helps her back into bed to recuperate, with her eyes now closed. However,
should you leave the room and re-enter, even before getting the Magicite or talking to your comrades, her eyes will be open again. This despite her being equally unresponsive when talked to and the party's dialogue not changing."
This patch fix the "bug" by adding an action to NPC $10 (Terra) giving her the closed eyes pose between the time you talk to Ramuh and the time you come back to Zozo after the Magitek Factory. This change is logical with the following argument; Enough time has passed in order for Terra to potentially "recover" and this time is more significant than stepping outside a door and coming back.
The ALT patch is an alternate patch that will make Terra open her eyes when Locke present her Maduin magicite, right after he exclaim himself "Magicite!". This version of the patch is logical with the theory that Maduin Magicite has enough power to wake Terra up because of the bond she shares with him.
One could argue if this is really a bug or was intended by the devs, but regardless if both fixes leave room to a bit of interpretation, exiting and re-entering Zozo room seems a bit quick to make Terra regain strength or get her out from her "coma".
Opened Eyes Terra Fix
by madsiur
version 1.3
released on 03/10/2017
Apply to FF3us 1.0, 1.1
Files Info
ALT version: Alternate Patch
ANTI version: Reverse Patch
nh version: Patch for headerless ROM
h version: Patch for headered ROM
Quoting assassin:
"When you first reach Terra in Zozo, she's laying in bed with her eyes open.
Then during the conversation with Ramuh, she thrashes around, and the party
helps her back into bed to recuperate, with her eyes now closed. However,
should you leave the room and re-enter, even before getting the Magicite
or talking to your comrades, her eyes will be open again. This despite her
being equally unresponsive when talked to and the party's dialogue not changing."
This patch fix the "bug" by adding an action to NPC $10 (Terra) giving her the
closed eyes pose between the time you talk to Ramuh and the time you come back
to Zozo after the Magitek Factory.
This change is logical with the following argument; Enough time has passed in
order for Terra to potentially "recover" and this time is more significant
than stepping outside a door and coming back.
The ALT patch is an alternate patch that will make Terra open her eyes when
Locke present her Maduin magicite, right after he exclaim himself "Magicite!".
This version of the patch is logical with the theory that Maduin Magicite has
enough power to wake Terra up because of the bond she shares with him.
Since the original entrance event is only 4 bytes, the following entrance
event (map $E8 at CA/F008) was moved and started a few bytes forward in order to
make possible a subroutine call for the entrance event we wanted to originally
modify. New and extra code is moved to free space D1/F9D0 and cover $1B bytes.
The ALT patch take $27 bytes of free space.
; Free space code
D1/F9D0: F6 81 10 FF ; Change volume of currently playing song to $FF, transition time 16
D1/F9D4: B2 E1 C8 00 ; Call subroutine $CAC8E1
D1/F9D8: FE ; Return
D1/F9D9: C1 53 00 14 03 E5 F9 07 ; If we have not spoke to Ramuhnad or Terra NPC is hidden, return (D1/F9E5), else continue
D1/F9E1: 10 82 13 FF ; Set NPC $10 pose to eyes closed
D1/F9E5: FE ; Return
ALT Patch extra code
; Zozo event (after two cranes)
CA/C4C0: B2 EF F9 07 ; Call subroutine $D1F9EF
CA/C512: B2 E6 F9 07 ; Call subroutine $D1F9E6
; Free space code
D1/F9E6: 10 82 01 FF ; Set NPC $10 pose to eyes opened
D1/F9EA: 01 82 23 FF ; Character $01 turn left
D1/F9EE: FE ; Return
D1/F9EF: 10 02 13 FF ; Set NPC $10 pose to eyes closed
D1/F9F3: DD 1A ; Clear event bit $61A
D1/F9F5: DD 19 ; Clear event bit $619
D1/F9F7: FE ; Return
Version History
- Removed gamne crashing bug after Esper World flashback
- Removed cranes event bit check
- Added ALT patches
- Added Ramuh event bit check and cranes bit check
1.0 Initial release
File: Final Fantasy III (U) (V1.0) [!].smc
CRC32: D184D919
MD5: 4CDFC79B44CD6D532DC6631A5C762094
SHA1: 258BCBC5B7BCC25098BF598C4FF2AA6AC00FDE16
File: Final Fantasy III (U) (V1.1) [!].smc
CRC32: E71362B7
MD5: EF1DE04CA2F61E88B77FA0F101C914DA
SHA1: 8B114342C844255C59B4345A30E0A34E784680EA
Headered and unheadered patches included
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