Phantom 2040 is an action-platformer for the Super Nintendo set in the dystopian city of Metropia. Players control the Phantom, who battles against the malevolent Rebecca Madison and her forces. Armed with advanced weaponry, the protagonist navigates over 60 challenging levels while facing formidable bosses and biots. The game emphasizes strategic combat and resource management to defeat enemies and thwart Madison's sinister plans.
You are the Phantom, searching for the evil Rebecca Madison in the vast city of Metropia. As head of Maximum, Inc., she will stop at nothing to fulfil her twisted plans to control the world... unless you can overpower her.
Vicious bosses and hordes of biots, programmed to destroy you, relentlessly attack of every turn. But you strike back with an arsenal of heavy-duty weapons including a smart gun, inductance rope, homing missile, and many others. Use two weapons at once to double your chances of survival! Then control your destiny as you weave your way through more than 60 incredible levels!
The danger is staggering. The fate of the city, the eco-system, and all of humanity rests on your abilities. You know what must be done to save Metropia and the world from certain doom.