Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure is a side-scrolling action platformer for the Super Nintendo. Players control Pitfall Harry Jr as he embarks on a quest to rescue his father, traversing diverse environments such as jungles, waterfalls, and mines. With 13 challenging levels, the game features dynamic obstacles and power-ups like bungee jumps and boomerangs, requiring quick reflexes to succeed.
Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure is a side-scrolling action game in which you play adventurer Pitfall Harry Jr in search of his father Pitfall Harry. You battle your way through the Mayan jungles, waterfalls, deserted mines and can bungee jump and boomerang your way to safety. There are 13 levels and the action is fast and gripping. You will need to be attentive—and quick. Or prepare to die.