Psycho Dream is a 1992 action-adventure game for the Super Nintendo, featuring players Shijima Ryu and Tobari Maria as they navigate the subconscious of a girl who has retreated into a virtual realm. Known as a Sinker, she must be rescued from the twisted landscapes of The Story of the Abandoned City, a D-movie-inspired world filled with surreal challenges across eight distinctive zones.
Don't come… don't look for me…
1992, winter. Two debuggers, Shijima Ryu and Tobari Maria, dive into the mind of a girl taking permanent refuge in the virtual world while abandoning her physical body to atrophy. The girl, now a Sinker, must be saved from the D movie virtual world named "The Story of the Abandoned City." What they saw in that deep turn… A cult action game that mixes 8 worlds with madness.