This hack allow randomization of the battle theme and default boss song with the help of two tables. By default the max number of song for the battle theme is 8 and 4 for the boss theme. This hack does not add new songs into the game.
Because of customization and bank $C2 being filled with bugfixes, the archive consist of two ASM files, one being the current bank ($C2) implementation and the other one the "external" bank implementation (by default $EE). Choose the implementation that you prefer.
The ASM file should be applied to the ROM with Refer to the readme for more details.
Battle and boss songs randomizer
author: madsiur
version: 1.1
date: 2016/04/28
Apply to FF3us 1.0
randomsongsC2.asm: For implementation in bank $C2
randomsongsEE.asm: For implementation in bank $EE (or the bank of your choice)
Apply with xkas 0.06
Command example: xkas randomsongsEE.asm romname.smc
Space used
randomsongsC2.asm: 64 bytes in bank $C2
randomsongsEE.asm: 76 bytes in bank $EE (or the bank of your choice)
Bank $C2 and $EE implementations use by default respectively C2/6469 and $EE/AF01
as free space. Change the org offset (line 25) in the ASM file to move the code.
Randomize the battle theme and default boss song. By default the max
number of song for the battle theme is 8 and 4 for the boss theme.
By default, battleTable and bossTable have their entries nullified
with only the default song as entry. Replace the !noSong in a table
to add a song choice. You can also reduce or expand the tables. If
your table has 50% or more of null values (!nosong) it is more efficient
to reduce it in half (e.g. remove 4 lines for a 8 song table) than
nullifying most of the entries. You'll also need to change the !numSongBattle
and/or !numSongBoss value(s).
What the code does is if he picks a null value it will choose a new
random number and repick from the table. If tables are modified
properly, the repick probability will always be less than 50%,
e.g. 44% maximum for a 16 songs table. The probability of a total
of 3 picks before getting a song is 19% maximum and for 4 picks
or more is 8,5%. So basically there can be relooping and cycles wasted
but I don't consider it significant taking in account it was the easiest
solution code-wise.
To recap, if you want 12 possible songs for the battle theme, add 8
lines to the table and nullifie 4 entries (!noSong). Then you need to
change the !numSongBattle variable to $0F.
If you got any question, you can send me a email at
[email protected].
Final Fantasy III (U) 1.0
CRC32: A27F1C7A
MD5: E986575B98300F721CE27C180264D890
SHA-1: 4f37e4274ac3b2ea1bedb08aa149d8fc5bb676e7
SHA-256: 0f51b4fca41b7fd509e4b8f9d543151f68efa5e97b08493e4b2a0c06f5d8d5e2