Ranma 1/2: Chougi Ranbu Hen is a Super Nintendo game based on the popular manga series. Players control Ranma as he embarks on a quest to collect twelve ingredients for the powerful Maneki Neko, a treasure that grants wishes. With the threat of rivals seeking the same prize, players navigate various locations to secure the ingredients before others can succeed. The game was planned for North American release but ultimately remained exclusive to Japan.
Ranma gets a letter explaining that they just received the recipe to the most valuable of all treasures, the Maneki Neko, which has the ability to grant any wish. Ranma must then set out to find the 12 ingredients of the Maneki Neko, located all over the world, before one of their rivals does the same.
The game was scheduled to be released in North America under the title of Ranma ½ II: Anything-Goes Martial Arts, but went unreleased in the West.