Rejoice: Aretha Oukoku no Kanata is a role-playing game for the Super Nintendo that follows the adventures of four thieves in a village. Blending serious and comedic elements, they embark on a quest to rob and explore ancient ruins for treasure. After a flood devastates their village, one thief, Trezno, is captured by the Demon King Howard, prompting his friends to thwart the villain's plans.
The game is a role-playing game about four thieves who live in a village together with some serious and some comedic content. They rob people and explore ancient ruins in search for treasure. A flood wiped away the villagers and Trezno (one of the thieves) washed up on a seashore somewhere. The Demon King Howard has kidnapped Trezno for his own nefarious plans and the rest of the thieves must stop his evolving plan.