SimCity: Sim City - Sylt Map is a modification for the Super Nintendo version of SimCity that replaces the original scenario map of Rio de Janeiro with the German island of Sylt. As a user-created content, it does not include a victory condition, leaving players without a definitive ending. The patch is attributed to the developer Lytron, with further modifications planned for future updates.
Replaces the scenario map of Rio de Jainero.
Now you can play the german island Sylt instead.
It seems not possible to win the scenario.
Maybe an updated version will fix this.
****************Sim City - Sylt Patch Infos**************
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* Dieser Download stammt von der Website: *
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* Das ben?tigte ROM hei?t: Sim City (U) [!].sfc *
* Mit dem CRC32-Wert: 8aedd3a1 *
************Original Nachricht,des Autors****************
Sim City - Sylt
by lytron ---
I took a headered ROM named "Sim City (U).smc" and removed the header manually. I hope this IPS works with other ROMs that are unheadered from the start, too.
Also included: "Sim City Rio on its own Bank.ips". This simply moves the Map Data to a new bank. If anyone ever wants to do another map, this can be used as a start point. I wrote three arcitles on my page/blog about the things I found out about Sim City:
Constructive comments, support, additions are welcome. :)
Version 1, done between Oct. 18th and 25th, 2014
- Changed the Map of Rio to Sylt
- Changed the City Level (from Megalopolis to City)
- Changed the Population
- Changed the City Name
What would be to do:
- Change the Start Point on the Map
(Was not in the mood to search for the scroll registers)
- Change the Scenario Picture/Name in the Scenario Screen
(Compressed and unordered Data, much effort/few use)
- Change the Scenario's Mission Description
(Compressed Data, too)
- Change the Scenario Winning Conditions
(That was too in-depth for this just-poking-around)
Sim City (U) [!].sfc
Header: No
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