Dai-4-Ji Super Robot Taisen, also known as the Fourth Super Robot Wars, is a tactical role-playing game released on the Super Nintendo. This title features notable character modifications through IPS patches, allowing players to experience changes such as the inclusion of characters Serane and Rich. The game retains its core gameplay while updating graphics and text elements to enhance player engagement.
Presenting for "Super Robot Taisen 64" enthusiasts ...
Serene and Svanhild participate in SNES version SRW4!
This is the IPS patch for SNES version "4th Super Robot Wars".
Please apply to late ROM (V1.1) without header.
Change Graphics
- Change the 4th heroine to Serane
- Changed 4th male hero to Rich
- Change Gespenst to Svanhild
Change Text
- Changed "Gespent" to "Svanhild".
- "Explanation of Gespence" in the robot illustration book
- "Lin Mao" to "Serane Menens"
- "Irwin Dorstin" to "Riche Griswell"
This is a patch for the SNES version "4th Titans War ver1.09+".
Please apply to ROM after applying "srw4_tsp.ips".
Change Graphics
- Change the 4th heroine to Serane
- Changed 4th male hero to Rich
- Change Gespenst mk2 to Sigrun
Change Text
- "Gespenst mk2" changed to "Sigloon".
- "Robot illustration book "Sigloon" and some lines.
- "Lin Mao" to "Serane Menens"
- "Irwin Dorstin" to "Riche Griswell"
After all, it’s siglooned for Rich!
Serene and Svanhild participate in SNES version SRW4!
This is the IPS patch for SNES version "4th Super Robot Wars".
Please apply to late ROM (V1.1) without header.
Change 4
- Text part due to the above changes
Changed "Gespent" to "Svanhild".
"Gespenst mk2" remain as it.
- "Explanation of Gespence" in the robot illustration book
- Hero's name
Lin Mao -> Serane Menens
Irwin Dorstin -> Riche Griswell
This is a patch for the SNES version "4th Titans War ver1.09+".
Please apply to ROM after applying "srw4_tsp.ips".
Change 4
- Text part due to the above changes
"Gespenst mk2" changed to "Sigloon".
"Robot illustration book "Sigloon" and some lines.
- Hero's name
Lin Mao -> Serane Menens
Irwin Dorstin -> Riche Griswell
After all, it’s siglooned for Rich!
ROM FILE : Dai-4-Ji Super Robot Taisen (J) (V1.1).smc
SIZE : 3145728 bytes
CRC32 : 63883E1E
Dai-4-Ji Super Robot Taisen: SRW4 - from N64 charactor Game Wiki
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