Final Fantasy III: Step Dance is a role-playing video game for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, originally released as Final Fantasy VI in Japan. The game introduces a mechanic where the Dance command allows characters to perform actions based on selected dances. A patch alters this feature, enabling players to execute a single random action with the Dance command before selecting subsequent commands freely in battle.
When the user is under the effect of the Dance command, his actions are randomly chosen based on the selected dance. The dance effect can't be cancelled and the actions in battle are automatically chosen.
This patch cancels the automatic behavior of the Dance command. After it is selected, a single random action based on the dance is executed. In the next turn, the user is free to selected any command. He can select a new dance for one single turn or another command, if the dances don't show to be useful.
SHA1: ea1dc87ecb3ba90bbfb8c122f8ee23ca426f5991
Console: Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES)
Official name: Final Fantasy 3 (USA) / Final Fantasy 6 (JPN)
Language: English
Version: 1.0
Header: Yes
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