Super Adventure Island is a platform game for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System featuring Master Higgins. In this sequel, Higgins embarks on a quest to save his girlfriend Jeannie Jungle, who has been turned to stone by the villain Dark Cloak. Players navigate diverse environments, including tropical beaches and a whale's belly, using skateboards and mine carts to overcome various enemies and obstacles.
Master Higgins is back in his wildest and greatest adventure of all! His girlfriend, Jeannie Jungle, has been turned to stone by the evil Dark Cloak. Now he must leap into action to defeat the scores of guardian animals and monsters that protect the wicked wizard.
Join Master Higgins as he reaches new heights of adventure on his high flying skateboard. Speed through underground caves in a crazy mine car ride! Go from tropical shores to the belly of a whale - all in search of his final battle with the mad magician, Dark Cloak!