Super Adventure Island II is a platform game developed for the Super Nintendo in 1994. Following his marriage to Tina, Master Higgins embarks on a quest to rescue her after a tropical cyclone disrupts their honeymoon. Along the journey, he must also save a princess intended for marriage by the king of Waku-Waku, intertwining the fates of both women in this adventure.
Master Higgins finally marries his lovely girlfriend Tina. But out of nowhere, a powerful tropical cyclone destroyed the idyllic mood of their honeymoon. And not only this: it separated the ardent lovers again. After the winds stopped blowing, Tina found herself somewhere on a tropical coast. As for Master Higgins, he went to the king of Waku-Waku and, along with his main quest to save his brand new wife, got an assignment to save also a princess, whom the king was about to marry. Is there a connection between those two events?..