Super Mario World: Super Mario Infinity 2 - The Cursed Gem is a platform game for the Super Nintendo, serving as a direct sequel to Super Mario Infinity. In this installment, Mario and Luigi must confront the Cursed Gem, an artifact containing a time-triggered explosive threatening their world. As they navigate its mysterious depths, they uncover ancient secrets and confront Bowser, racing against time to avert catastrophe.
Picking up directly from where Super Mario Infinity left off, Mario and Luigi have discovered an artifact called the Cursed Gem that contains a timed explosive supposedly able to destroy the world, and the only way to stop it is to enter the Gem itself. The adventure heats up when our heroes learn of Bowser's presence in the artifact, and as they search the Gem and discover its underground secrets, ancient clues and revelations begin to make themselves known. Could all of the answers be at hand? Only time will tell (literally) if our heroes can stop the time bomb, or if their planet is doomed to an explosive death...
Please play Super Mario Infinity before playing this game, as they are intended to be played as a single game. You need to know what happens in Super Mario Infinity to understand the story in Super Mario Infinity 2.
Super Mario World (U) [!].smc - SNESren 2.04
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Super Mario World: Super Mario Infinity 2 - The Cursed Gem Game Wiki
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