Super Mario World: The Devious Four Chronicles 4: Hunters Revenge ReVised is a ROM hack for the Super Nintendo, initially launched in 2014. Following Mario's victory over the aliens Hunter and Scorpion, the Mushroom Kingdom seeks peace in the neighboring Hyrule. During his journey, Mario encounters a mysterious character who reveals that an old enemy may still pose a threat. The project aims to enhance the original game quality and includes various gameplay fixes.
After stopping the alien duo known as Hunter and Scorpion from ending the world via the Furnace, an alien doomsday device which was constructed in the center of their crash landing site, the Mushroom Kingdom rebuilt.
With peace once again prevalent, Mario must now travel to the neighboring distant kingdom of Hyrule to announce the Mushroom Kingdom's presence as a peaceful one. However, on his journey, Mario meets a rather strange individual, who tells the even stranger story of a recent foe who might not be so dead after all.
If you are reading this, then that means you've downloaded the full version of "The Devious Four Chronicles Episode 4
Hunter's Revenge ReVised"! This was a project by Skewer started in 2014, an attempt to turn the original "Hunter's Revenge
Recharged", the black sheep hack of the TD4C, into something that fit in with the rest of the series' quality. It is safe
to say that this project succeeded.
If you have not played "The Devious Four Chronicles Episode 3: The Crater", it's highly recommended you do so and introduce
yourself to the series. Otherwise, please enjoy this Super Mario World hack. It's recommended you play in an emulator that
is not ZSNES, as music breaks on that emulator.
Do not rip any graphics from this mod.
? Initial Release
? Changed global animation of the SMB3 Bricks. They now show up as coins when POW is active.
? Removed badly colored Yoshi Coins in "Grassy Crossroads"
? Fixed roofing in the secret path of "The Thicket", no longer are you able to be potentially Softlocked.
? Fixed an issue with jumping piranha plant getting stuck in a roof in "Canopy Carnage"
? Fixed piranha cutoff in a subroom in "Wonder Blizz"
? Removed messageless message boxes. Period.
? Grinders can no longer be killed by sliding, fixing weird animation issues in "Capital Space"
? Fixed glitched pipe corner tiles in "Stronghold Showdown"
? Fixed upside-down slopes in "Hack Moderators Hideout"
? Fixed foreground penetration in "Maridia" area
? Fixed glitched note-block graphic in "Fields of Beguile" (same with Heated Kiln)
Super Mario World (USA).sfc - NOINTRO
CRC32: B19ED489
MD5: CDD3C8C37322978CA8669B34BC89C804
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