Super Mario World: The Megaman 29th Anniversary Adventure is a crossover hack for the Super Nintendo featuring characters from the Mario, Megaman, and Bomberman series. In the game, the evil Dastardly Bombers disrupt the celebration of Megaman's 29th anniversary by kidnapping the six Megamen. Mario must navigate through the Dastardly Bombers Fortresses to rescue them and restore the festivities.
This is a crossover hack featuring Mario Series, Megaman series and Bomberman series.
PLOT: 2016 is celebrated the 29th Megaman Anniversary, however, something terrible had happened: The Five Evil Dastardly Bombers (the Villains that appeared in Super Bomberman 2, Super Bomberman 3 and Bomberman Tournament) ruined the party kidnapping the six Megamen and trapped them in the Dastardly Bombers Fortresses. It's revealed that there are a Mastermind pulling the threads of these evil Bombermen. It's up to Mario save the Megamen and the Party.
Super Mario World (U) [!].smc - SNESren 2.04
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MD5: CDD3C8C37322978CA8669B34BC89C804
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SHA-256: 0838E531FE22C077528FEBE14CB3FF7C492F1F5FA8DE354192BDFF7137C27F5B
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