Super Mario World: The New Adventure Deluxe is a platform game developed for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. Set in Dinosaur Land, players control Mario as he navigates through diverse and challenging levels. This enhanced version rectifies previous graphical glitches, improves level design, introduces varied structures, and maintains engaging gameplay that balances difficulty without excessive challenge.
Mario returns to dinosaur land in an all new adventure. Everything has changed since the last time.
The entire game is in English.
This is the latest version and fix errors of the previous versions:
- Glitchy graphics no longer appear in the overworld.
- No more badly placed Yoshi coins.
- No more levels without background.
- More varied levels without repeated structures.
- Better overworld colors.
- Other improvements of levels and overworld.
The game is getting increasingly difficult, but without being a super difficult game because of the attempt to be a snes game.
Length: 96 exit(s)
Super Mario World (USA).sfc - NOINTRO
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