Super Metroid Eris is a action-adventure video game for the Super Nintendo, featuring the iconic bounty hunter Samus Aran. Tasked by the Federation to investigate a silent research outpost on the planet Eris, Samus confronts chilling dreams about the planet and the cries of a child. She must uncover the truth behind the team's disappearance while exploring the planet's treacherous depths.
Galactic bounty hunter Samus Aran is sent to investigate planet Eris. The Federation research team's outpost has ceased transmissions. Upon receiving mission details, Samus is reminded of the recurring dreams she'd been having the past weeks.
Dreams of a cold planet and, in the distance, the faint cries of a child.
Could these dreams have something to do with the mysterious disappearance of Eris Stations' research team? The answer lays buried deep within the lethal depths of Eris. Let the mission begin!