Super Metroid, released for the Super Nintendo in 1994, is a side-scrolling action-adventure game that follows bounty hunter Samus Aran as she explores the planet Zebes to rescue a stolen Metroid. Two notable areas, Maridia and Norfair, showcase diverse environments. Maridia features aquatic sections, while Norfair is characterized by volcanic landscapes, emphasizing the interplay of water and fire in the gameplay experience.
This may be totally out-there and absurd, but always had a big 'what if' in my mind.
What if, when you blow up the glass tunnel to get into the lower parts of Maridia... you somehow cause all the water to come crashing through the door and down the elevator shaft in the next room, flooding Norfair in the process. Then you'd have Norfair filled with water, and Maridia drained but hot-as-hell from all the steam rushing up out of Norfair. This would probably kill everything in each area. Hell, it would probably ruin Samus' day too, as she'd be sucked into Norfair by an unbelievably crushing torrent of water.
Super Metroid (Japan, USA) (En,Ja).sfc
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Super Metroid: Super Metroid - Maridia / Norfair Game Wiki
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