Super Metroid: Revolution EX is a challenging hack for the Super Nintendo, created by Bloodsonic and released on September 2, 2008. This modification requires advanced skills, including wall kicking, midair morphing, and gravity suit-less grapple techniques. Designed to engage seasoned players, it aims to serve as a compelling distraction until larger future hacks are available.
Here is a complete Super Metroid level hack which will prove to be very challenging to seasoned players.
The skills that are going to be required are:
-wall kicking. if you can't, then try this hack later.(or not at all.)
-midair morphing
-gravity suit-less grapple-wall-kicking
-common sense
If you're good enough to beat redesign, this should be easy.
Revolution EX
by Bloodsonic
Release date: September 2, 2008
Author's description:
This is my first(real) hack, and hope this will be a good distraction to help you all wait for future, bigger hacks.
The skills that are going to be required are:
-wall kicking. if you can't, then try this hack later.(or not at all.)
-midair morphing
-gravity suitless grapple-wallkicking
-common sense
If you're good enough to beat redesign, this should be easy.
Super Metroid: Super Metroid: Revolution EX Game Wiki
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