Project: Super MK vs SF Kart
Super MK vs SF Kart is a Project created in a Channel Partnership: Resenhando Com Luke & D83 Games.
The main idea came from D83 Games and was to create a CrossOver between the two Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat franchises in a Kart dispute.
More information in the Readme file.
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Super MK vs SF Kart (D83 Version)
Game: Super Mario Kart
System: SNES
Works with GOODSNES: Super Mario Kart (USA).sfc
Patch1: Super MK vs SF Kart D83 Version (SMK Hack)
Author: Luke Novaes & D83 GAMES
Release: September 7, 2021
© 2021 Luke Novaes and D83 GAMES
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Super Super MK vs SF Kart is a Channel Partnership Project: Resenhando Com Luke with Channel D83 GAMES.
D83 GAMES made the Sprites for the MK Ninjas, Reptile, Scorpion and Sub-Zero and handed me over to do the graphics.
I was responsible for the opening and insertion of Street Fighter characters, because the great idea he gave was to make a CrossOver of Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter.
I put all the characters, I made the sprites of the crushed characters of everyone and the characters on the ninja podium. In addition to the three ninjas created by D83, I made Ermac from the same sprites and I made Reptile instead of Luigi, who uses separate sprites.
The Street Figher characters are from the Hack Hyper Street Kart by authors The Real Phoenix and Ten Shu (If you want the characters' sprites crushed, feel free to use them).
First I was given the hack with the 3 ninjas created.
So I added the HSK characters and made 3 more ninjas, Smoke, Ermac and Reptile (to use in place of Luigi). After that I did the Aperture and the sprites of the crushed characters and the podium.
The rest were left as in the original version of the game.
We will have a new version with some more changes that I wanted to make to the graphics, it will be the "Luke Version".
I worked on this project with Epic Edit and Tile Molester programs, where I managed to make some changes that will be explained below.
- 8 new characters!
- CrossOver Mortal Kombat vs Street Fighter
Street Fighter Characters were taken from the Hyper Street Kart hack and MK Ninjas were created by D83 Games (with palette changes made by me).
- Sub-Zero (D83 Games)
Famous Ninja character from the Mortal Kombat saga.
- Reptile (Luke Novaes, from D83 Games sprites)
Famous Ninja character from the Mortal Kombat saga.
- Scorpion (D83 Games)
Famous Ninja character from the Mortal Kombat saga.
- Ermac (Luke Novaes, from D83 Games sprites)
Famous Ninja character from the Mortal Kombat saga.
- Ryu (Hyper Street Kart)
Street Fighter protagonist, representing Japan.
- Zangief (Hyper Street Kart)
Street Fighter character, representing Russia.
- Blanka (Hyper Street Kart)
Character from Street Fighter, representing Brazil.
- Guile (Hyper Street Kart)
Street Fighter character, representing the USA.
*Special thanks*
- Server Discord: SMK Workshop - Guys on this server too much of every detail of the SMK game, I've been there for a few months and I was amazed with so much information, so much new stuff that is discussed there every day. It just made my affection and curiosity for the game grow even more.
*Social networks*
Whats App Group:
YT Channel:
The World of Hack Roms:
The Super MK vs SF Kart Characters were created by D83 and the Hyper Street Kart hack, removed from hack that will be mentioned below:
- Ryu, Blanka, Zangief and Guile (Hack Hyper Street Kart)
The Royal Phoenix & Ten Shu
- Reptile, Scorpion and Sub-Zero
D83 Games
- Ermac, Reptile (Luigi)
Luke (changing the D83 Games sprite palettes)
- Smoke
Database match: Super Mario Kart (USA)
Database: No-Intro: Super Nintendo Entertainment System (v. 20210222-050638)
File/ROM SHA-1: 47E103D8398CF5B7CBB42B95DF3A3C270691163B
File/ROM CRC32: CD80DB86