Super Robot Taisen Gaiden: Masou Kishin - The Lord of Elemental is a tactical role-playing game exclusively launched in Japan. This release belongs to the Super Robot Taisen series and was developed for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System.
Super Robot Taisen Gaiden: Masou Kishin: The Lord of Elemental Game Wiki
Experience Super Robot Taisen Gaiden: Masou Kishin: The Lord of Elemental Game (USA) online wiki exclusivly at View Super Robot Taisen Gaiden: Masou Kishin: The Lord of Elemental and use it with an core of your choice. Super Robot Taisen Gaiden: Masou Kishin: The Lord of Elemental is compatible with PC, Mac, iOS and Android. RetroSpot is USA #1 choice for Retro Game information for games like Super Robot Taisen Gaiden: Masou Kishin: The Lord of Elemental.